Date 26/2/03
Published by "The Bogside Artists" _________________________________________________________
Hi, No. We are not going to tell you how to make a million by farming bagpipes in Donegal. Nor do we wish to add to
deluge of unwanted horseshit already in your email box. Instead, we will amuse, inform, edify and even hang around later for your questions. If you got something that is useful, true or funny, drop us a line. Mailto:
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THIS ISSUE'S CONTENTS _________________________________________________________ _
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Derry or "Londonderry", to give it its formal title, boasts some of
most beautiful women to be found anywhere on
planet, with Belfast running a close second. That probably explains why Derry men are crazier than most and Belfast men crazier than anybody. Derry however, has a colorful history every bit as interesting as its indigenous beauties. Each issue of our Newsletter will offer a little snippet or two of information on
subject (history, that is) about which, especially since
onset of
"troubles", numerous learned tomes have been written. _________________________________________________________ _ Derry gets its name from
ancient Irish word "daire" meaning an oak grove. The oak tree was venerated by
Celts and is likely that Druids used
grove for their rituals. The "daire" was situated on a crannog or small island in
river Foyle. As
waters receded,
surrounding area turned into bogland, whence derives
name Bogside. The hill itself once boasted a fortress not unlike that overlooking Lough Swilly called
Grianan of Aileach.
sixth century Saint Colmcille (Columba 521-597) established a monastery on
hill. There is no proof of this, but it is more than likely, as founding monasteries was what Columba liked to do best. This, of course, attracted people to live nearby and so
settlement grew.
The monastery indeed was intact well into
17th century when
colonists arrived from Scotland and England. Derrys boomtime however, was in
12th and 13th centuries when
MacLochlainn dynasty moved in. They used their wealth to build
settlement up and when they died out, Derry fell into decline. It was not until
arrival of
De Burgos that relative prosperity returned to
growing town. The skeleton on Derry's coat of arms derives from
De Burgos. _________________________________________________________ _
The Bogside Artists are a mysterious trio to many. Ergo, let me introduce us. As this will take up more space than I feel entitled to use, I'll be brief. In our NEXT Newsletter, you will find a fuller and more comprehensive edition at our website. We will even have our own photos! Consider this a mere introduction.
KEVIN Kevin Hasson's formal education began with The Christian Brothers school in
Brandywell area of
city. It later moved to
Creggan and renamed itself St. Peters. That was in
early `70's. "Art even then, was
thing I was most interested in", he says. "My dad was a very talented man who used his skills and imagination to entertain us. Creativity therefore, as a bulwark against poverty, constituted
environment I grew up in."
For his first ever trip abroad Kevin found himself on a relief mission to
starving of Calcutta. It was an experience that transformed him. In Frankfurt, he met his American wife to be. Once married, he settled down in America. Finally, he returned home with his family.
He wasn't home a fortnight when he linked up once more with Tom, whom he had first met at St. Peters. Art was
thing they had most in common. Kevin and Tom both play guitar. Kevin likes old movies.
TOM Apart from several brief stays in England, Tom Kelly has spent all of his life in
Bogside, where he still lives. He is, in fact, leader of a small non- denominational Christian church called "Wellspring" in
heart of The Bogside. Part of Wellspring's agenda is to explore all aspects of Irish culture, particularly where it addresses
pure Christian message. Wellspring is self-sufficient and uses The Bogside Artists' studio for its meetings.