"The Blame Factor' - Sabotage, but who's to blame?If you read regular articles in newspapers and magazines you will be inundated with information about how much money is lost every year to business. There is a list, stress, alcohol, drugs, mismanagement, union issues and many more. If figures are to be believed billions are lost every year because of these issues. It is a wonder we make any money in business at all.
So what is at core of these issues? It is extremely simple it is something which has been with mankind since we first walked upon this earth. At centre of all these issues is ‘Blame Factor'.
Throughout history whether we were going to war, enslaving peoples or burning witches at stake, it has been all to fulfil our base instinct to blame someone or something. Blaming others stops us having to look at our own shortcomings in life.
Are we evolving into a more civilised society as we move into twenty first century, we are not. The powerful use of media and advanced communication mean we are able to point finger more readily and more often. Whether it be governments, businesses, health services, judiciary, our neighbours and a thousand more organisations and individuals, we can blame someone else. It is even becoming basis of our television shows.
Does it matter?
Yes it does matter. When we blame, we sabotage our lives and that or our neighbours. We damage infrastructure of our society and believe ourselves to be disempowered.
When we take responsibility for our lives and issues and problems we face, then we can do something about changing things and travel towards personal and organisational empowerment.
It suits people who wish to wield power over individual to keep you in a weak position. As a ‘finger pointer'; you can be controlled and manipulated. Whether members of your government, business managers or in individuals in your own home they can control you by giving you someone to blame for ills in your life (refugees, children, accounts dept, sales etc.).