The Black Pope - Part Two

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

For, as we are increasingly aware,repparttar structures of human life in common are of different kinds, not only economic and political, but also cultural and religious; all of them condition human life, all of them can weaken or destroy it, and all of them are capable of being impregnated byrepparttar 126680 Gospel and of embodying a greater justice and charity. So it is worth paying unflagging attention torepparttar 126681 different aspects ofrepparttar 126682 contexts in which we find ourselves, lest we end up oblivious ofrepparttar 126683 changes developing or out of touch with them.

7. These are some reasons why, after GC34,repparttar 126684 social apostolate began a world-wide examen. It was deemed necessary to organiserepparttar 126685 1997 Naples Congress in an effort to give new impetus withinrepparttar 126686 Society torepparttar 126687 social apostolate as a sign of our full commitment torepparttar 126688 social dimension of our mission. Among some promising results ofrepparttar 126689 process, programmed for 1995-2005,repparttar 126690 following seem especially significant.

One isrepparttar 126691 importance of elaboratingrepparttar 126692 characteristics ofrepparttar 126693 social apostolate atrepparttar 126694 level ofrepparttar 126695 universal Society and of adapting them atrepparttar 126696 local level. Such characteristics providerepparttar 126697 framework for continually discerning, in creative fidelity torepparttar 126698 social dimension of our charism, whatrepparttar 126699 Spirit calls us to inrepparttar 126700 ever different poverties and injustices ofrepparttar 126701 world. Some ofrepparttar 126702 many insights and questions needed in this sense find expression inrepparttar 126703 working draft Characteristics ofrepparttar 126704 Social Apostolate. Sincerepparttar 126705 current draft is taking much longer to revise than foreseen, everyone is encouraged to send in comments and suggestions towards a definitive edition of these Characteristics, after study and discussion in communities and groups.

While each commitment can and must be very specific, we need to keep in mindrepparttar 126706 various levels of action and reflection which are involved, asrepparttar 126707 well-known expression "local/global" suggests. These levels go fromrepparttar 126708 apparently simplest contact with and service torepparttar 126709 poor atrepparttar 126710 grass-roots, through every sort of human development and promotion, to working for far-reaching change in structures nationally and internationally.

As we keep working at different levels, we also want to become aware of and remain up-to-date on how complex and changing arerepparttar 126711 injustices andrepparttar 126712 socio-cultural structures in today's world. This requires bringing a plurality of viewpoints to bear on problems and employing multiple ways of reading society and doing things there.

Finally, experience has taught us to ground our social commitment squarely uponrepparttar 126713 foundation of our Ignatian spirituality and our Jesuit tradition, both of which ‘place us joyfully withrepparttar 126714 Son and with those among whomrepparttar 126715 Son wants to be,repparttar 126716 poor and neglected ofrepparttar 126717 earth.’ We recognise that it is not possible to call oneself a companion of Jesus if one does not share His love for those who suffer.

8. These same elements suggestrepparttar 126718 direction in which to continue going and indicate some concrete measures to supportrepparttar 126719 process currently underway. An endless pluralism of approaches and variety of methods and organisational models constitute, without a doubt, an enormous richness ofrepparttar 126720 social apostolate; but, in order to fulfil this potential and grow as an apostolic body, it very much needs adequate co-ordination. Accordingly, we need to make good use ofrepparttar 126721 forms and structures of co-ordination already available and indeed strengthen them. I would like every Province, Region and inter-provincial body like Conferences of Major Superiors to have a co-ordinator ofrepparttar 126722 social apostolate, supported by an appropriate commission, and with sufficient capacity, resources and time to play their role.

Atrepparttar 126723 same time, a greater flow of useful and up-to-date information is needed inrepparttar 126724 social apostolate within Provinces and beyond them. Such exchange of information should encourage those involved, propose questions or instruments of reflection, and help networks to grow and function effectively. Much greater benefit can be drawn fromrepparttar 126725 Church's social teaching andrepparttar 126726 social apostolate's experience accumulated sincerepparttar 126727 Instruction of Father Janssens. I count onrepparttar 126728 Social Justice Secretariat atrepparttar 126729 Curia to continue its work of co-ordination and to strengthen communications throughoutrepparttar 126730 social apostolate.

Compared withrepparttar 126731 work of other groups and organisations active inrepparttar 126732 social field,repparttar 126733 social apostolate ofrepparttar 126734 Society is notable for its presence at allrepparttar 126735 various levels fromrepparttar 126736 grassroots to international bodies, and in allrepparttar 126737 various approaches fromrepparttar 126738 direct forms of service, through working with groups and movements, to research, reflection and publication. In this typically multiple presence, a great but little realised potential ofrepparttar 126739 universal Society lies hidden, which we owe it torepparttar 126740 poor and torepparttar 126741 Church to make better use of. Let us actively look for ways of combining competencies in social analysis and theological reflection, with experience of closeness torepparttar 126742 poor and work with those who suffer injustices of every sort, and of better exploiting allrepparttar 126743 possibilities that are given us as a universal and international apostolic body.

Women's Place in Islam

Written by Shahrukh Rao

Beforerepparttar emergence of Islam,repparttar 126679 state of women was destroyed and shameful.They were treated as chattel in early Roman society. In France, they were termed as half - soul creatures responsible for destruction of society. Chinese considered them as devl's soul. Japanese preferred to lead Braham-charia life (unmarried life). So, in this way, they deprived women of its due place. While, Arabs buried their daughters alive considering them as a sign of disgrace. It's now crystal clear that before arrival of prophet (S.A.W), how much, she was respected. Allah felt mercy on mankind and sent this last messenger,repparttar 126680 holy prophet Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W), who made it clear that: A woman is a symbol of honor and respect if she's your daughter or sister. She is your life partner as wife and if you are good to your family, then you are better among people. In case of mother, "Heaven lies underrepparttar 126681 feet of mother.” further, if a Muslim has two daughters, and he properly brought them up, Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) in Heaven. Briefly, in this way, Islam secures women's respect and honor. Islam, as a complete code of life and religion of nature, distributes responsibilities among men and women in finest way. All Humans are equal inrepparttar 126682 eyes of Allah, onlyrepparttar 126683 goodness of a person makes him superior to one another. And goodness is to obey in Islamic society, women have no place. In fact, it is propaganda and correct position is converse.

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