The Best Carbs For Low Carbers

Written by Jun Lim

Withrepparttar popularity of low carb diets such as Atkins, The Zone, and South Beach, more and more people are becoming aware ofrepparttar 149727 bad effects torepparttar 149728 body of too much carbohydrate consumption. As people try to cut down on their carb intake, it should be noted that not all carbs are created equal.

In a nutshell, there are two kinds of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Some refer to them as bad and good carbs, fast and slow digestion carbs and other possibly confusing lingo. Here’srepparttar 149729 scoop.

SIMPLE CARBS are those carbohydrates that are most often have low nutrient content and have high glycemic index such as white bread, cookies, pastries, candies, and sodas. They are quick to digest and can cause blood sugar to soar then fall dramatically within a short span of time. In order to keeprepparttar 149730 body running more healthy and stable, health advisors recommend that these types of foods be limited.

Weight Loss Organizations

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Losing and maintaining weight is a difficult and intimately personal struggle, but it’s not one that anyone needs to go through alone. There are literally millions of people forging their own paths to their better selves, and together, they offer support, advice, and inspiration to one another.

The Twelve Steps

Most recovery programs, including many for food and weight-loss related support, are based onrepparttar Twelve Steps. Despite inherent religious references, Twelve Step groups welcome members of all faiths, or even none at all. Roughly, these steps are, followingrepparttar 149556 tradition of Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (described more below) :

1. We admitted we were powerless over food–that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over torepparttar 149557 care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human beingrepparttar 149558 exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us andrepparttar 149559 power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening asrepparttar 149560 result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive eaters, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Compulsive Eaters Anonymous HOW (CEA-HOW)

For those struggling with overeating, CEA-HOW offers support and guidance to help you to end your battle with food. By adoptingrepparttar 149561 Twelve Steps, members encourage and remind one another to focus on their goals and userepparttar 149562 tools ofrepparttar 149563 group to gain strength. Focus not on negative issues, but rather on sharing recovery feedback and stories and discussingrepparttar 149564 weighing and measuring three healthy meals per day with no snacking in-between, and relies largely on a phone tree for support. They offer both in-person and online support groups with no dues or fees aroundrepparttar 149565 world. The group is self-supported through contributions. And their online meetings host chats, scheduled at various times to meet many needs. Some literature is available for free download. In all,repparttar 149566 program reaches out to focus on three main areas; spiritual, physical, emotional. More information can be found at .

Eating Addictions Anonymous/SANE (EAA/SANE)

Eating Addictions Anonymous helps people dealing with a wide range of body image disorders, ranging from anorexics to bulimics to compulsive overeaters and everyone in-between. They stress that a spiritual, holistic approach is absolutely necessary to overcoming this disease, and pledge, using their 12-steps, to spend each day refraining from using food as a drug-type alternative and addressing body image issues. In addition torepparttar 149567 Twelve Steps,repparttar 149568 group focuses onrepparttar 149569 SANE philosophy or method—Spiritual Surrender, Absolute Commitment, Necessary Action and Emotional Healing. There are no fees or dues. For locations near you, contact Eating Addictions Anonymous, General Service Office, PO Box 8151, Silver Spring , MD 20907-8151. USA Telephone: (202) 882-6528. For more information, visit .

Eating Disorders Anonymous (EDA)

The only requirement for joining Eating Disorders Anonymous is a desire to end one’s struggle with an eating disorder. Their goal is balance, not abstinence. This self-supporting agency has no fees, dues or food plans. They invite people with disorders of all types and severity come together to find common ground and reach common goals. The group stresses that one can end an eating disorder withrepparttar 149570 right support andrepparttar 149571 right steps. Members are empowered to see past food and begin living withrepparttar 149572 ability to see and make alternate choices. Find a meeting location online or email: . For more information, recovery stories downloadable at no-charge in Microsoft Word format, pdf brochures, and more, visit .

Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA)

Food Addicts Anonymous relies onrepparttar 149573 Twelve Steps and a food plan (not a diet) to conquer addictions to food, specifically sugar, flour and wheat. Fats and high-carbohydrate refined, processed foods are also on their watch list, eliminating binging, cravings and shame. Instead, members focus on progress a single day at a time and are empowered withrepparttar 149574 understanding that being addicted to food is like a chemical dependency; as with any other drug,repparttar 149575 only way to fightrepparttar 149576 addiction is to stop ingestingrepparttar 149577 chemical. There are no special foods to buy; simple, regular grocery store food is used. There are over 150 FAA chapters aroundrepparttar 149578 world to join. For more information, meeting locations and times, chatroom meetings,repparttar 149579 Online Loop (a Yahoo email-based daily communication network) and more, visit .

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