The Benefits of a Memory Foam Mattress

Written by Thomas Jay Wacker

Onrepparttar quest for a more productive day, research has shown that a more productive sleep at night can be one ofrepparttar 148142 healthiest solutions. A Memory Foam Mattress could be just what researchers have been looking for. Concentration, Observation and even Creativity, are all qualities that can help us on our everyday journey through work, and life. The key is relaxation.

Any quality that enhances our daily productivity is welcome, but with a calm mind and rested body, do we findrepparttar 148143 most precious resources, that is, through our sleep. Sleep provides us with an infinite number of possibilities. Possibilities, which are most efficiently cultivated, while having deep restful dreams in a peaceful bed. And mattresses made from memory foam are ideal in this respect.

Ever sincerepparttar 148144 invention ofrepparttar 148145 first electroencephalogram,repparttar 148146 machine that registers brain waves, back inrepparttar 148147 first part ofrepparttar 148148 20th century, scientists have known that sleep is not just an unproductive time in which we are forced to stop working. Wonderful things occur at night while we sleep.

During an average night of sleep of eight hours, our bodies move in and out of consciousness through cycles, determined by brain wave activity. If these cycles are disrupted by stressing muscles in certain points,repparttar 148149 sleeper, could actually wake up without fulfillingrepparttar 148150 full sleep cycle. This means time and relaxation, are needed to achieverepparttar 148151 proper depths of a good nights rest.

Suppose an average sleeper, gets eight hours of sleep, on a good mattress. Then she or he, would plunge intorepparttar 148152 realm of sleep for about 90min. then slowly come back out, and on return torepparttar 148153 waking world, would have about 10 min. of dreams, almost wake up, roll over, and plunge back into another 90min. cycle. Ifrepparttar 148154 conditions are good, such as in usingrepparttar 148155 proper kind of bed,repparttar 148156 second sleep cycle will have something like 20-30min. of dreams, followed by 45-60min. inrepparttar 148157 third cycle. The longer we sleep,repparttar 148158 more dreams we have.

Is DIY dangerous for your health?

Written by Deborah Hughes

Planning on redecoratingrepparttar bathroom this weekend? or finally getting round to fitting those new kitchen units? If so, you may be using Medium Density Fibre Board – commonly known as ‘MDF’.

MDF is cheap and versatile, which has made it a material that has been embraced by a huge number of people inrepparttar 148091 DIY epidemic ofrepparttar 148092 last few years. This hunger was fuelled by programmes such BBC’s Changing Rooms which incorporated MDF into most of its designs. Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Handy Andy demonstrated howrepparttar 148093 flexible material could be cut into just about any shape, and curved into unique contemporary furniture and fittings – often challengingrepparttar 148094 very idea of good taste! So, is MDFrepparttar 148095 perfect DIY material? Or are there hidden dangers?

Recently, there has been considerable publicity aboutrepparttar 148096 health hazards of using MDF. There have been reports of howrepparttar 148097 dust produced when working with MDF can cause health problems such asthma and even cancer. One trade union stated that ‘MDF isrepparttar 148098 asbestos ofrepparttar 148099 nineties’! Alarming stuff, but are there any grounds for concerns?

Recent assessments ofrepparttar 148100 risks The Health and Safety has classified MDF as a soft wood and therefore not designated as a carcinogen inrepparttar 148101 UK. However,repparttar 148102 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) does not distinguish between hardwoods and softwoods, and it groups ‘wood dust’ as ‘carcinogenic to humans’.

Formaldehyde, which is included in bonding resins used in MDF, is also classified byrepparttar 148103 IARC as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. They argue that, even at low levels, inhalation of formaldehyde can cause irritation torepparttar 148104 eyes, nose, throat and mucous membrane. It can also affectrepparttar 148105 skin, leading to dermatitis, and to respiratory system causing asthma and rhinitis.

MDF in other countries Reports that MDF is banned inrepparttar 148106 USA and Australia are speculative. However, there are tighter restrictions on its production and use. Inrepparttar 148107 USA, there are limits on formaldehyde emissions from MDF and home owners in California have to be warned that their new home has been built using MDF which ‘contains a chemical known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive hazards’. Australian workers are warned that formaldehyde is ‘a probable carcinogen’.

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