The Benefit of Yoga

Written by Della Menechella

The benefit of yoga practice goes far beyondrepparttar actual time you spend inrepparttar 105365 poses. One ofrepparttar 105366 most common reasons why people begin practicing yoga is to improve their health and well-being. Yoga means union. It is a union ofrepparttar 105367 mind, body and breath, so all aspects of your life are impacted by your practice.

A major benefit of yoga is physical.

Yoga improves your flexibility. – The stretching that you engage in during every practice helps lengthen and stretch muscles, which helps reducerepparttar 105368 risk of injuries.

It helps to improve your balance. – The majority of yoga practices include some type of balancing inrepparttar 105369 poses. A significant number of people, especially as they began to get older, start to have problems with balance, which can lead to major injuries due to falls. By having a greater sense of balance, you are able to move more easily and safely.

Yoga can help reduce pain. - Tense muscles often contribute to pain. Relaxing muscles helps to minimize muscle tension andrepparttar 105370 pain that is associated with it. Also, breathing deeply into muscles helps lessen pain by altering your perception of it.

It tones your muscles. – Yoga works allrepparttar 105371 muscles in your body. It helps strengthen and tone them and also builds endurance and stamina.

It helps to increase your level of energy. . – Carrying tension in your body takes an enormous toll on your energy reserves. By learning how to relax through your yoga practice, you benefit by enjoying higher levels of energy so you can more thoroughly enjoy your daily activities.

Yoga helps promote a sense of relaxation. – Most people breathe high in their chests. This not only does not allow them to get sufficient oxygen, it also triggersrepparttar 105372 stress response, which contributes to feelings of anxiety. Breathing deeply as practiced in yoga, helps relax your muscles and also brings much needed oxygen to your cells. The deep sense of relaxation also leads to better quality sleep.

Each yoga practice ends with some type of relaxation. Since your body and mind are one, by relaxing your body you also relax your mind. Many yoga experts believe that a relaxation pose isrepparttar 105373 most beneficial pose in any yoga practice.

Muscle Fitness – Can Yoga Make You Stronger?

Written by Della Menechella

Many people wonder if yoga can improve their muscle fitness. They recognize that yoga can help reduce stress and increase flexibility, but when it comes to increasing muscle fitness, they think it might be a little too 'weak' to dorepparttar job. The fact is that yoga can definitely make you stronger.

A study was conducted atrepparttar 105363 University of California at Davis. Ten college 'coach potatoes' adopted a yoga routine for eight weeks. Each week, they attended from two to four classes during which they spent 10 minutes on breath control, 15 minutes of warm up exercises, 50 minutes doing yoga asanas, and then 10 minutes of relaxation/mediation. Atrepparttar 105364 end ofrepparttar 105365 eight-week period,repparttar 105366 researchers measuredrepparttar 105367 students' fitness and discovered that their muscular strength had increased by up to 31%, their muscular endurance improved by 57%, their flexibility increased by 188%, and their cardio respiratory fitness improved by 7%. These results are pretty amazing when you consider thatrepparttar 105368 study was only conducted for eight weeks.

How can something that seems so benign have such a major impact on muscle fitness?

Muscle Strength – Unlike traditional weight building exercises, in yoga your body providesrepparttar 105369 resistance. While you are not likely going to producerepparttar 105370 bulked up muscles of some weight lifters, you will certainly increase your muscle strength.

Many poses in yoga are done very slowly or you stay inrepparttar 105371 posture for several breaths. It is much more challenging to your muscles to hold a pose or do it slowly than it is to allow momentum to move you through an action. I have been working out with weights for many years so my muscles are used to being strengthened. Yet, I have practiced certain yoga routines during which my muscles screamed for mercy and I actually had to get out ofrepparttar 105372 pose and then resume it because my muscles were so challenged. I don't often experience this during weight training sessions.

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