The Avoid Debt Secret

Written by Roger Sorensen

Financial talking heads on television and radio try to tell you how to get out of debt, stay out of debt, or what dance steps to use to avoid debt. Just about everything they say isrepparttar wrong thing. I don’t mean they are lairs and you should ignore them. Actually, many of their ideas do make sense. They are wrong when talking about debt because they say “live within your means”. By focusing on this phrase, what they are not telling you becomes a secret -repparttar 151100 true secret to avoiding debt. Do you want to knowrepparttar 151101 secret? If you didn’t, why are you reading this? The secret to getting out of debt and avoiding debt again is… Living below your means. I’m serious that this isrepparttar 151102 true secret to staying out of debt. If you live within your means you are spending everything you take in. While this avoids going deeper into debt, it will not dig you out of debt or keep you out. Living within your means is like walking on a treadmill, you work hard but you fail to go anywhere. How do you live below your means? The best way is to create a spending plan. This can be a simple hand written graph listing your expenses or it can be as complex as a fancy computerized program tracking every dollar you spend through PDA and laptops. I preferrepparttar 151103 Spending Plan Creator at, it’s flexible enough to be used on your computer, or to be printed out. Why is living below your means so important? When you live below your means you are generating a surplus amount of money each month. This surplus is money you use to pay extra on your debts until you are debt free. This surplus can be used to build an Emergency Fund, develop a savings plan for your children’s college or prepare for your retirement.

Helping Caregivers Get Comfortable Asking For Help

Written by Lois Galloway

Becoming a care giver might not have been a conscious decision on your part. It may have arrived quietly and unnoticed because you arerepparttar adult child of your elderly parents who now require care or you may have a special needs child that exacts your constant attention or a friend or spouse has become very ill and needs your support. In any of these situationsrepparttar 151072 impact of providing constant care is tremendous.

One ofrepparttar 151073 most difficult things about taking on a care giver role is that feeling of isolation, that sense of being all alone. Often times we think we need to dorepparttar 151074 job completely by ourselves, thatrepparttar 151075 responsibility lays entirely with us. That’s not true. You can ask for help.

Here’s a few tips that will encourage you to get comfortable asking for and receivingrepparttar 151076 help you need in caring for a loved one.

1. First of all, recognize that care giving can definitely become a very responsible, overwhelming and isolating job. And also recognize that it’s a sign of strength to ask for help. It means that you understandrepparttar 151077 situation and have begun to take a proactive approach to making your life better.

2. Your role may berepparttar 151078 primary caregiver and with that in mind, it is very important to include your extended family as part of your care giving team. Perhaps your family members could provide some specific help such as handling yard work, preparing some meals, helping with financial issues, taking onrepparttar 151079 primary role so you can get away on vacation.

3. Write down allrepparttar 151080 tasks that need to be done on a weekly basis,repparttar 151081 ones that you are most concerned about. These may include working outsiderepparttar 151082 home, getting to doctor appointments, drivingrepparttar 151083 kids to after school activities, laundry, cooking, cleaning, filling out forms, picking up medicines, therapy sessions, regular family duties, etc. When you see them in ‘black and white’ you will quickly realize just why it is you are so tired and why you need to accept any offers of help.

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