The Art of Writing a Good Song

Written by Kathy Unruh

Did you know that good songwriting is oftenrepparttar key to establishing a successful music career? But more than that, it can be fun! When you write a song you are able to express yourself in new and creative ways. Whether you're sad, happy, angry, or in love... with words, you can fly!

Freedom of expression is one ofrepparttar 128564 greatest priviledges we have, but with it comes some responsibility. Words are very powerful and have been used successfully by many for better, or worse. When writing a song, consider how your words are going to impact your listener. Do you wish to alienate them, or draw them into your perspective on things?

A good song will create an emotional reaction in people, and that's exactly what you're trying to achieve! You want to get your listener to feel with you. You want to move them emotionally. You want them to like your song and be willing to listen to it again and again. If you can get your audience to identify with you on some level, you will be onrepparttar 128565 road to creating a good song.

As you are stirring up your creative juices you may discover that finding justrepparttar 128566 RIGHT word is sometimes a bit frustrating. But withrepparttar 128567 RIGHT songwriting tips and resources it becomes a lot easier! Here are three ofrepparttar 128568 most important songwriting tools you should have:

1. DICTIONARY - A dictionary is essential when writing. Besides giving yourepparttar 128569 correct meaning of a word, it will also help you to express yourself more clearly. You will discover new words while expanding your vocabulary too!

2. THESAURUS - A thesaurus is another important tool to help with creating your songwriting material. You can use a thesaurus to find different words that have similiar meaning.

3. RHYMING DICTIONARY - Asrepparttar 128570 name implies, a rhyming dictionary organizes words that rhyme in alphabetical order usingrepparttar 128571 vowel sounds A E I O U. For example, if you were looking for a word that rhymes with Abel you would look under A sounds. Words rhyming with Abel would be listed in alphabetical order.

Are You Really Writing Haiku?

Written by Gary R. Hess

Haiku is originally a Japanese style poem, however it has changed into a favorite of many young adults. One problem though, most who claim they write haiku, generally don't. Haiku is a strict style of writing that consists of a 5 7 5 style, meaning 5 syllablesrepparttar first line, 7repparttar 128562 second and ending it with 5. Haiku is also written in a way related to nature.

Many who claim they write haiku are in fact writing a whole other style. One style which is generally confused as haiku is cinquain. Cinquain, although closely related to haiku, consists of five lines instead of three. Cinquain is also written about an object and/or person and not nature specifically.

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