The Art of Diverting Negative Energy

Written by Melissa Zollo

We are living in a time when we need to look at and hopefully transform our mental and emotional habits. The "season of adversity" isrepparttar best time to start dropping a few wealth, health, protection, success and happiness seeds into our deeper mind and fertilizing them with powerful loving emotions. The realization thatrepparttar 130813 changes we seek onrepparttar 130814 outside must first be made within our own consciousness is beginning to dawn on many. Where is your attention focused? Globalisation ofrepparttar 130815 marketplace, world governments, media groups, and institutions cannot bring about an inner awakening torepparttar 130816 Power Within. They cannot get you out of debt, heal your loneliness, transform your fear and anger, or free you fromrepparttar 130817 affects of erroneous mental habits. Your images, ideas, beliefs, patterns and perceptions of yourself, colorrepparttar 130818 world you live in. ·Are issues of poverty or success, war or peace, illness or health, love or hate confronting you from every side? ·Do you allow your thoughts to run wild with negative images after you read a headline, or hear threatening news? ·Do you know how to direct your mind and steady your focus on positive images regardless ofrepparttar 130819 opinions and distasteful acts of people you are in contact with? ·Are your emotional reactions capsizing you and your dreams? ·Are you capable of "floating your own boat" through a storm? Why should you keep on absorbing or resonating with negative energy?Just decide what you want and start to consciously image it. Tuning into "The Source of All That Is" permits you to separate yourself "vibrationally" from people who are operating from misguided beliefs. The moment you feel your joy, your emotional reactions will dilute and or neutralize any negative energy being sent your way. There isn't one emotional problem that can't be solved usingrepparttar 130820 Principle of Imaging. There is One Eternally Present Power. Change and motion are its attributes. Desire summons it! This One Source of energy vibrates at different frequencies. There is polarity in all of life including whatever you are facing. Everything is a dance of opposites. Good and evil, light and dark, positive and negative, rejection and acceptance, failure and success, poverty and good fortune, sickness and health are all essentiallyrepparttar 130821 same in nature. They are simply opposite parts or contrasted extremes ofrepparttar 130822 same thing. They differ only in degree of frequency. Polarity deals withrepparttar 130823 flow of energy. It is up to you to use your emotions in a beneficial rather then a destructive way. It is up to you to figure out where your emotions are vibrating becauserepparttar 130824 Power to Create operates inrepparttar 130825 here and now. Why give your Power of Awareness torepparttar 130826 past or torepparttar 130827 negative? Why continue to fuel regrets and be swept away by yesterdays painful memories? Do you want to become a master artisan and turn water into wine, sorrow into joy, and rejection into opportunity? If so, seizerepparttar 130828 moment. When your energy is in alignment you will feel inspired and opened to limitless possibilities. You arerepparttar 130829 pattern maker of your life. Your emotions can flow inrepparttar 130830 direction of solution or inrepparttar 130831 direction of conflict and crisis. Questions: ·Do you run away from looking at yourself and your habits but find it easy to blame others? ·Do you resist change and hide out rather then live your life torepparttar 130832 fullest? ·Do you turn back to old ways when a crisis appears? ·Do you focus on illness, terror, death and suffering? ·Do you concentrate on depressing headlines andrepparttar 130833 dark side of things? ·Do you allow "emotional bleeders" to suck up all your joy like a vacuum cleaner draws in dirt? ·Do you wallow in hell and then eagerly call friends to involve them in your self made misery? If so, you are giving doubts and fears permission to cling to and smother your dreams and desires. The quality of your thoughts anchors you into worthwhile or undesirable states of mind. Torepparttar 130834 degree that you refuse to change, you will continue to invite suffering and distress into your life. Everything you are harvesting in your life is a mirror to what you planted and allowed others to plant in your womb of wonder! The Universal Law of Vibration explains that thoughts, matter and life are vibratory. This means everything is moving, swinging, and dancing, including your thoughts (whether you can see movement or not). We live in a sea of belief and we are being bombarded by negative ideas morning, noon and night. What side ofrepparttar 130835 pole do you get magnetized to when an uncomfortable situation arises? The problem side orrepparttar 130836 solution side? Every time you allow someone to trigger your grief, fear, anger or sadness you simply give them carte blanche to tightenrepparttar 130837 chains around your soul. Every time you emotionally respond to negative stimuli (from guilt, anger, worry, or fear) you are in vibrational agreement with it. This means you are vibrating from their image. I call this deferred occupancy. Once your feelings are in harmony withrepparttar 130838 negative, you are aborting your own chosen mental image and your dream is withering away. Whether you know it or not Spiritual Principles are always operating onrepparttar 130839 mental, emotional and physical planes of existence. And they don't respect a person's income, color, or heritage. They operate according to unyielding laws. 6 Reasons to Pay Attention torepparttar 130840 Moods of Others as Well as your Own. 1.The moment you consent to being around someone in a lower negative vibration and you are in harmony with that vibration, you will come down a notch from your joy and leave your self wide open to attractrepparttar 130841 results of that belief and mood. 2.Limitless opportunities open up when you learn to laugh inrepparttar 130842 face of adversity. As you vibrate from joy, peace, forgiveness or love, you inviterepparttar 130843 fulfillment of your dream into your life. When you send good thoughts to someone vibrating from negative emotions you will give off energy. You will telepathically messenger that person. If he or she is in harmony with joy, love or peace he will take on your gift.

Can This Relationship Be Helped?

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long asrepparttar author resource box atrepparttar 130811 end is included. Notification of publication would be appreciated.

Title: Can This Relationship Be Helped? Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. E-mail: Copyright: © 2003 by Margaret Paul Web Address: Word Count: 738 Category: Relationships


I have been counseling couples for 35 years. Quite often individuals come in for help wondering if it is really possible to save or improve their relationship. Perhaps their partner is totally uninterested in working onrepparttar 130812 relationship. Perhaps their partner is an alcoholic or drug addict. What are their chances of saving their relationship?

Since two people always get together at their common level of woundedness, here is what I say torepparttar 130813 partner who has sought my help: "As long as you choose to remain in this relationship, there are things for you to learn. Each partner contributes their 100% torepparttar 130814 relationship. While it is often easy to see what your partner is doing that is harmful torepparttar 130815 relationship, it is often difficult to see what you are doing. Yet until you learn about your part in this relationship system, you will take your own dysfunctional behavior with you into another relationship. It’s generally a waste of time - unless there is physical abuse - to leave a relationship before healing your own end ofrepparttar 130816 system. The time to leave is when you have learned to make yourself happy regardless of what your mate is doing. When you learn to take 100% responsibility for your own feelings and needs, and if your partner is still behaving in ways that are unacceptable to you, then it’s time to leave. You need to discover how to respond to your partner in ways that are loving to yourself and that support your own joy and highest good."

Whenrepparttar 130817 partner who is available to counseling does his or her inner work, one of two things happen. Eitherrepparttar 130818 other partner likes what is happening and becomes more open, orrepparttar 130819 relationship becomes more distant and difficult. I tell my clients that it is a 50-50 deal - halfrepparttar 130820 time things get better and halfrepparttar 130821 time they get worse. They need to be okay with either outcome. If fact, I encourage them to let go ofrepparttar 130822 outcome and just be inrepparttar 130823 process of learning how to take loving care of themselves.

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