The Animal Rights Summit

Written by David Leonhardt

The Animal Rights Summit By David Leonhardt

Is it just me, or is society becoming increasingly polarized? It seems like for every action there is an equaller and oppositer reaction. For and against war. For or againstrepparttar environment. For or againstrepparttar 125898 family.

Considerrepparttar 125899 role animals play in society. No, I am not referring to politicians, TV producers or Janet Jackson. I mean animals like rabbits and mice and bears.

Some people will even lay down their lives for animals, protesting againstrepparttar 125900 use of animals in laboratory experiments. They stridently opposerepparttar 125901 testing of chemicals and makeup on innocent rabbits and mice. I suspect they would secretly ratherrepparttar 125902 chemicals and cosmetics be tested on certain humans instead.

Meanwhile, another large contingent of society has no interest in testing makeup on animals, because they would much rather shoot them. I meanrepparttar 125903 animals, notrepparttar 125904 animal rights protestors. On second thought, they might want to shootrepparttar 125905 protestors, too.

I thought about this great divide when I looked atrepparttar 125906 label of a new "powerful" anti-dandruff shampoo we just bought – an oil-based shampoo that works by letting it sink intorepparttar 125907 hair for at least three minutes. The instruction manual, in 13 languages, features an impressive array of alerts with threatening symbols, even warning me not to letrepparttar 125908 shampoo get into my eyes.

I stopped. I blinked (for effect). Here is a chemical I am supposed to pour all over my head and let soak in for at least three minutes. A chemical that will run down my face and across my eyes. A chemical that will surely make my eyes blind...or worse.

Then I read a tiny inscription atrepparttar 125909 bottom: "Not tested on animals". Thank goodness, I thought. I wouldn't want them to go blind!

I decided to try to bridgerepparttar 125910 gulf betweenrepparttar 125911 animal rights movement andrepparttar 125912 sport-hunter movement by convening a world summit.

I chose to invite a few animals, including Big Bear, a veteran of several hunting seasons. I also invitedrepparttar 125913 Three Blind Mice, expert shampoo testers, I am told.

Onrepparttar 125914 other side ofrepparttar 125915 table, I invited Robin Gunn and his merry band of hunters.

"It's not right," began Big Bear. "that we animals should berepparttar 125916 object of human torture. We have rights, too." Robin Gunn snorted. His band of merry hunters snorted, too.

Republican/Conservative Hate Members of the Media

Written by T.D. Roberts


Taken directly from:

Here arerepparttar Top Ten most outrageous statements we have heard this year from members ofrepparttar 125897 media. From anti-Semitic comments and attacks on women, gays, and lesbians to reprehensible acceptance ofrepparttar 125898 Abu Ghraib prisoner torture, these statements are acutely representative ofrepparttar 125899 conservative hate speech we found inrepparttar 125900 news media:

Rush Limbaugh onrepparttar 125901 Abu Ghraib photos: "I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?"

Ann Coulter: "[Senator John] Kerry will improverepparttar 125902 economy inrepparttar 125903 emergency services and body bag industry."

Tony Blankley called philanthropist George Soros "a Jew who figured out a way to surviverepparttar 125904 Holocaust."

Michael Savage: "When you hear 'human rights,' think gays. ... [T]hink only one thing: someone who wants to rape your son."

Oliver North: "Every terrorist out there is hoping John Kerry isrepparttar 125905 next president ofrepparttar 125906 United States." Pat Robertson on gays and lesbians: "[S]elf-absorbed hedonists ... that want to impose their particular sexuality onrepparttar 125907 rest of America."

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