The Angel Of Karma

Written by Judi Singleton

The Angel Camael Camael is believed to be one ofrepparttar seven truly powerful angels who haverepparttar 126831 great honor of standing inrepparttar 126832 presence of God. He is believed to berepparttar 126833 angel that comforted Jesus inrepparttar 126834 garden of Gethsemane prior to his arrest. He is also credit with having command overrepparttar 126835 so called "Angels of Destruction." He along with Gabriel, and once Lucifer, are honored as cheifs ofrepparttar 126836 angelic choir. The Powers ~ The Second Hierarchy - The Third Choir The Angels of Form and Space. They are often associated withrepparttar 126837 essence ofrepparttar 126838 Sun. They bringrepparttar 126839 power of intellect in such matters as math, geometry, astronomy and so on. They arerepparttar 126840 professors and educators. They bringrepparttar 126841 "physical" form torepparttar 126842 universe and it's planets. They guardians ofrepparttar 126843 heavenly pathways and imposerepparttar 126844 will of God without fear or mercy. This Choir consists of: Raphael Camael Verchiel Their appearance: The Powers are often seen with with swords of flame, used to protect humans and defeatrepparttar 126845 "devils".

Camael appears as a warrior dressed in a red tunic. He wears green armour plates, an iron helmet and has large green wings.

The Angel of Divine Love andrepparttar 126846 Patron Angel of all who love God. He is traditionally regarded as chief ofrepparttar 126847 Order of Powers and one ofrepparttar 126848 sefiroth. He is one ofrepparttar 126849 governing angels ofrepparttar 126850 seven planets, specifically ruler ofrepparttar 126851 planet Mars.

The Angel Jophiel

Written by Judi Singleton

The Angel Jophiel One ofrepparttar cherubim, Jophiel is accredited with beingrepparttar 126830 angel to

drive Adam and Eve fromrepparttar 126831 Garden of Eden after they eatrepparttar 126832 forbidden

fruit. If this isrepparttar 126833 case, Jophiel receives alsorepparttar 126834 honor of being

the first angel to be mentioned inrepparttar 126835 Bible. In such a role, he is

last left guardingrepparttar 126836 Tree of Life with a flaming sword to preventrepparttar 126837

return of man

Also called Iophiel and Zophiel, his name means "Beauty of God".

Archangel ofrepparttar 126838 Third Ray, Jophiel isrepparttar 126839 Angel of Paradise andrepparttar 126840

Patron Angel of Artists. Archangel of Illumination, he teachesrepparttar 126841

outer consciousnessrepparttar 126842 Power of Light within oneself, stirsrepparttar 126843

feelings, through Radiation of Illumination, into aspiration for

spiritual things. He helps in absorbing information, studying for and

passing tests, dissolution of ignorance, pride, and narrow-mindedness,

and exposure of wrongdoing in governments and corporations. Jophiel

helps in fighting pollution, cleaning up our planet and brings to

mankindrepparttar 126844 gift of Beauty. Jophiel is said in Jewish lore to be a

special friend torepparttar 126845 angel Metatron, and is one ofrepparttar 126846 chiefs ofrepparttar 126847

choir of Cherubim. He is a ruling prince ofrepparttar 126848 Order of Thrones and

the first World Teacher for our world.

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