The Amazing Possibilities In Your Impossible Dream

Written by Luanne Hunt

There was this TV commercial a couple of years back that made me look away every time it came on. It was for some kind of a power saw andrepparttar premise was that there was this guy who built furniture for a living. Somehow he lost his sight in an accident and thought he would have to give up doing what he loved most. But no way. It turns out this saw was so precise and reliable, even a blind man could operate it. See where this is going? Suddenly they showrepparttar 128591 blind carpenter running a piece of wood through this super sharp, massive round blade, not even blinking an eye. Oh, it was just too much for me. It made my toes curl. Still, as bone chilling asrepparttar 128592 whole scene was, I could see an underlying message beneathrepparttar 128593 touting of this impressive saw - there are amazing possibilities in our impossible dreams. The power of self-belief can take us farther than we ever thought we could go. But it seems a law of nature that in order to see our dreams realized, we must meet up withrepparttar 128594 impossible and learnrepparttar 128595 secrets to conquering it. If you’re like me, there have been many times you’ve taken a good look atrepparttar 128596 course you were on and wondered if you would ever get where you wanted to go. Against my heart’s desire, I spent years working as a secretary. But in spite ofrepparttar 128597 business suits that defined me outwardly as a professional working woman, I always envisioned myself as one who would one day be on stage in sparkly clothing, singing my heart out for my adoring fans. If you consider my background, my musical aspirations seemed almost an impossibility. I was never one of those naturally gifted singers with perfect pitch. I would sing aroundrepparttar 128598 house when I was a kid and those who were in earshot let me know they weren’t listening to anything pleasant. To put it bluntly, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. The short version of how this all wound up is that I eventually did become a professional singer and performer. I even spent 10 years teaching othersrepparttar 128599 art of singing and stage performance, which in many ways prepared forrepparttar 128600 ministry I have today.

How to Control Your Anger: Retreat and Think Things over

Written by Dr. Tony Fiore

Jim and Mary Jones loved each other deeply, but often went into horrific verbal battles over any number of issues. They would argue and yell for hours, often intorepparttar night, leaving both of them exhausted, emotionally disconnected, hurt and resentful toward each other.

Both became so upset they were flooded with negative feelings which prevented their being able to repairrepparttar 128589 damage, to think rationally, or to problem-solverepparttar 128590 issues at hand.

Much of this emotional suffering could have been prevented or least minimized had they learned anger control tool #8:

—“Retreat and Think Things Over.”

Basically this means to temporarily distance yourself fromrepparttar 128591 situation for a period of time so that both of you can calm down. This allows your bodily systems to return to normal, and allows your normally good reasoning and thinking ability to return.

Easier Said Than Done

Yes, it is much easier said than done. It is one of those tools that sounds deceptively simple, yet it is by no means easy to do for at least two reasons:

There is a common myth that all relationship conflicts should be “settled” inrepparttar 128592 moment whilerepparttar 128593 intense feelings are present. If you do not do this, you may be accused of “avoiding”repparttar 128594 issue.

Once stress or anger levels escalate to a certain point, one or both partners reach a point of no-return, due to flooding ofrepparttar 128595 brain with intense emotions. This makes it almost impossible to disengage from each other and stoprepparttar 128596 fight.

Heed these Warning Signs

You know it is time to Retreat and Think Things Over when you are:

• Feeling overwhelmed during an argument • Raising your voice to an unusual level • Feeling your temper is out of control • You notice your heart racing • Sense your muscles tensing • Can’t think straight and you start to feel hostile.

Why this tool works

Temporarily removing yourself fromrepparttar 128597 situation allows your body to return to normal, provides a cooling-down time. It also allows your brain to return to its normal state where you can reason and think better.

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