The ABC's of Fundraising

Written by Cassie Kale

There are many little details that go into making sure your fundraising event is a successful event. The key is to have all your fundraising details laid out in front of you before you even start. Below are some tips to help you get started onrepparttar right foot for your fundraiser:

What isrepparttar 142268 purpose of your fundraiser? While this isrepparttar 142269 easiest question, it can sometimes berepparttar 142270 hardest question to answer and convey to your sponsors. Why do you feel your company or organization should have a fundraiser? Do you need to raise funds for computers? Uniforms, expansions – clearly define your purpose.

Next move ontorepparttar 142271 amount you would like to raise through your fundraising event. What isrepparttar 142272 amount you hope to achieve for your fundraiser to be considered a success? This number is very important, also be sure to estimate your expenses to runrepparttar 142273 fundraiser so you will have a free and clear amount that you earned and can disperse where needed.

Now figure out who you are going to approach for sponsorship of your fundraiser? What small businesses do you think would be most willing to donate and participate to your event? Do you hope to have other companies participate as a part of your fundraiser? For instance if you are in direct sales and you sell Tupperware, maybe a Mary Kay or Arbornne consultant may want to join you. They may also be interested in sponsorship as that will give them marketing for their business.

Promoting your Fundraiser

Written by Cassie Kale

To achieve a successful fundraising event you will need to create awareness and excitement for your fundraising event. The biggerrepparttar crowd of people you attract for your fundraiser,repparttar 142267 bigger amount of money that will be raised for your group. Below are some tips for generating interest in your fundraising event!

Press Releases are vitally are a great way to makerepparttar 142268 community aware of your event and it will also be good for your group image. Send out your first press release announcing that you are having a fundraising event, why you are having your event, include your target amount and whatrepparttar 142269 money is going to be used for. You can have your newsletter distributed online for free on many sites. You may be wondering what good will that do if my fundraiser is local, but you never know who may be interested in sponsoring and supporting your fundraising efforts!

Also send out a press release after your fundraising event has ended and thank all those that participated, announce what you did withrepparttar 142270 money raised and give a brief description ofrepparttar 142271 outcome and success of your fundraising event. The viral marketing and word of mouth you will receive is priceless!

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