The 80/20 Success Secret

Written by Rasheed Ali

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to applyrepparttar Pareto Principle or 80/20 Principle to success or rather becoming successful?

If you’re a reader ofrepparttar 146049 Conquer Your Adversity Newsletter, then you should be familiar with this principle from my article Achievement & Happiness The 80/20 Way –

Inrepparttar 146050 past what I’ve found is that most people don’t hesitate to point fingers at whom or what they think is responsible for their failures or lack of success in life. The problem is that they never look inrepparttar 146051 mirror and see thatrepparttar 146052 main problem is them! At that time I believed that there were two groups of people, successful and unsuccessful.

Recently however I came across another group of people who all want to be successful and realize that they must change. When they ask me how they can achieve success, I give them allrepparttar 146053 same answer. I’ll get to that in a minute, because first I want to tell you why.

When I was a baby about two months old, my parents sent me from New York torepparttar 146054 island of Trinidad to live with my Grandparents. During those early years, I was given love, attention and I was taughtrepparttar 146055 importance of hard work. You see, my Grandfather and all of his brothers for that matter were entrepreneurs. My Grandpa was a poultry farmer. He raised chickens! Not just any chickens, butrepparttar 146056 best tasting, natural chickens around. Not just a few chickens, but anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 at a time. Not only that but, he still worked at his job asrepparttar 146057 Pay Master atrepparttar 146058 Texaco oil refinery.

To little me, Grandpa wasrepparttar 146059 strongest man inrepparttar 146060 world and he knew more than anyone!

Overrepparttar 146061 course ofrepparttar 146062 years I would be taken away from my Grandparents many times by my parents, only to be sent back again. Each time I would learn something new. I learned how to run a poultry farm and business, how to handle money, how to deal with customers, how to give a quality product,repparttar 146063 importance of learning by doing and most of all what I tell my clients and people wanting success.

No, I’m not going to tell you yet! ;-P

Fast forward to 1990-91 and I’m homeless onrepparttar 146064 streets of New York. Of course my Grandparents had no control over these events. It was my parents that left me no choice.

There I was a skinny 15 year old with big glasses, no money and nowhere to live. I had lived in fear for so long inrepparttar 146065 past that I looked like an owl on crack!

I had no clue what to do and I had already been onrepparttar 146066 streets a couple of weeks. I was hungry, cold (it was winter) and tired.

As events unfolded a severe beating by four 22 year olds, put me inrepparttar 146067 hospital near death and I would later end back up onrepparttar 146068 streets. This time I had learned of other options by listening to other peoples’ conversations. I had heard about a place called Covenant House in Manhattan. It took another week or two before I ended up there because I didn’t trust that anyone would help me.

The people at Covenant House took me in one cold night and gave me a place to stay, warm food and counseling.

The 80/20 Success Secret

Written by Rasheed Ali

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to applyrepparttar Pareto Principle or 80/20 Principle to success or rather becoming successful?

If you’re a reader ofrepparttar 146048 Conquer Your Adversity Newsletter, then you should be familiar with this principle from my article Achievement & Happiness The 80/20 Way –

Inrepparttar 146049 past what I’ve found is that most people don’t hesitate to point fingers at whom or what they think is responsible for their failures or lack of success in life. The problem is that they never look inrepparttar 146050 mirror and see thatrepparttar 146051 main problem is them! At that time I believed that there were two groups of people, successful and unsuccessful.

Recently however I came across another group of people who all want to be successful and realize that they must change. When they ask me how they can achieve success, I give them allrepparttar 146052 same answer. I’ll get to that in a minute, because first I want to tell you why.

When I was a baby about two months old, my parents sent me from New York torepparttar 146053 island of Trinidad to live with my Grandparents. During those early years, I was given love, attention and I was taughtrepparttar 146054 importance of hard work. You see, my Grandfather and all of his brothers for that matter were entrepreneurs. My Grandpa was a poultry farmer. He raised chickens! Not just any chickens, butrepparttar 146055 best tasting, natural chickens around. Not just a few chickens, but anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 at a time. Not only that but, he still worked at his job asrepparttar 146056 Pay Master atrepparttar 146057 Texaco oil refinery.

To little me, Grandpa wasrepparttar 146058 strongest man inrepparttar 146059 world and he knew more than anyone!

Overrepparttar 146060 course ofrepparttar 146061 years I would be taken away from my Grandparents many times by my parents, only to be sent back again. Each time I would learn something new. I learned how to run a poultry farm and business, how to handle money, how to deal with customers, how to give a quality product,repparttar 146062 importance of learning by doing and most of all what I tell my clients and people wanting success.

No, I’m not going to tell you yet! ;-P

Fast forward to 1990-91 and I’m homeless onrepparttar 146063 streets of New York. Of course my Grandparents had no control over these events. It was my parents that left me no choice.

There I was a skinny 15 year old with big glasses, no money and nowhere to live. I had lived in fear for so long inrepparttar 146064 past that I looked like an owl on crack!

I had no clue what to do and I had already been onrepparttar 146065 streets a couple of weeks. I was hungry, cold (it was winter) and tired.

As events unfolded a severe beating by four 22 year olds, put me inrepparttar 146066 hospital near death and I would later end back up onrepparttar 146067 streets. This time I had learned of other options by listening to other peoples’ conversations. I had heard about a place called Covenant House in Manhattan. It took another week or two before I ended up there because I didn’t trust that anyone would help me.

The people at Covenant House took me in one cold night and gave me a place to stay, warm food and counseling.

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