The 7 Keys To Writing Successful Articles

Written by Jason Potash

Are you writing articles?

I know. You've already heard it 100 times before. The question is not IF you're writing articles, but WHAT you're actually writing. Simply throwing a bunch of words together isn't going to get you very far.

Here's a blueprint that outlinesrepparttar 7 keys to writing successful articles. Followrepparttar 124324 7 keys and you're guaranteed to get more exposure with your articles.

Key #1: Choose a HOT Topic

You'll need to do a little research on this one. If you're already in touch withrepparttar 124325 target market for your article, this should come easy.

Research, spy, observe. Do whatever it takes to understand your target market. What issues are hot? What topics currently appear within top ezines, messageboards, ebooks?

It's also a good idea to frequently visit article directories and content sites. These sites contain current articles on a variety of popular topics. Here's a shortlist:

Key #2: Choose a "Magnetic" Title

Magnetic title? That's right. Your article title is your headline. If it doesn't pullrepparttar 124326 reader intorepparttar 124327 article, nothing will. Just think ... what if I called this article:

"Writing Articles" "Tips For Article Publishing" "What It Takes To Write An Article"

See what I mean? These don't pack much "punch", do they?

Your title is just like a classified ad. Look at it this way. If your article title is crowded on a webpage with 100 others, what will make it jump offrepparttar 124328 page?

Key #3: Use The AIDA Principle

Attention Interest Desire Action

This universal formula applies to your articles as well. Once you've enticed your reader to read your article (via a great title), you need to keep them reading.

The first paragraph of your article is critical. If it's dull, boring and lifeless, your reader will surely bail out. You must keep their interest right fromrepparttar 124329 start.

Try using short paragraphs, sentences and words. This will keeprepparttar 124330 tempo upbeat and make your article much easier to read (or skim, as most do online).

E-Mail Newsletter Marketing Essentials

Written by Lee Traupel

If Gutenberg were alive today he would be in publishing heaven! Forgetrepparttar printing press,repparttar 124323 web has fast-forwarded self-publishing in ways that are evolving so rapidly it's becoming difficult to integrate technology and process to leveragerepparttar 124324 opportunities. Any company, regardless of their size and marketing resources should be publishing an opt-in e-mail newsletter - it's a very low cost way to build community with customers, keep suppliers/partners/other informed and generate new business.

How do you get started? You must decide up front if you haverepparttar 124325 marketing expertise to develop your "newsletter creative" in-house and how you want to managerepparttar 124326 distribution of your newsletters. Many companies turn to agencies/marketing services firms to help them developrepparttar 124327 actual newsletter creative and also outsource part ofrepparttar 124328 process to ASP (Application Service Providers), who handle all facets ofrepparttar 124329 list distribution, signup and ongoing management.

Content format can be critical torepparttar 124330 effectiveness of your newsletter - we typically don't recommend HTML (text with images/graphics embedded) format unless our client's product or service is very consumer-focused Plain old text is not as glamorous as HTML but it's a lot more effective in most cases - people want information, not fancy eye candy that's appealing to marketing geeks - keep your message, simple, torepparttar 124331 point and with customer success stories or references when/where you can to drive credibility.

It's relatively simple to use a Word processor with a mail merge program to integraterepparttar 124332 addresses (depending onrepparttar 124333 volume) with your message and then send out via your ISP. But, doing it in house can be very time consuming - you have to deal with inbound requests for people who want to be added to your list, "unsubscribes" (people who want to be deleted) and integrate your web site intorepparttar 124334 process, so people can automatically sign up with a back end auto-responder (automatic message) that confirms their sign up.

Most companies utilize an Application Service Provider ("ASP") to outsourcerepparttar 124335 list hosting, signup and unsubscribe management processes and web site integration - typical costs are under $50. per month based upon your number of subscribers (on average up to 10- 30K), frequency of your newsletter mailing (rule of thumb would be 2- 4 times per month) and other specialized features, such as bounce back deletions (deleting any e-mails that have a "bad address") and makingrepparttar 124336 HTML code available with a graphic to sign up people directly from your web site. Be forewarned, most list hosting providers tell you up front they reserverepparttar 124337 right to delete your account if they catch you spamming thousands of people whose e-mail addresses were not "opted in" (given to you with permission to market to them).

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