The 6 "secrets" to Sales Success

Written by tony pola


There is no magic pill, trick, teqnique, system or secret to success. However there are many beliefs and habits that will bring yourepparttar desired results that you wish to have. It is your choice to developrepparttar 103993 appropriate beliefs and habits that producerepparttar 103994 results that you wish to have. If you honestly are not happy withrepparttar 103995 results that you are having then you must changerepparttar 103996 actions, which are producing those results. The following are 6 ofrepparttar 103997 habits, which I have found will rapidly accelerate your sales and income to heights, which only you will limit. The number one “secret” in order to boost you sales is Activity. There are 3 ways to increase your income in sales 1. Activity, 2. Closing ratio, and 3. Average job size. The easiest of these three ways is to increase your activity. You cannot sell jobs if you are not consistently delivering written Quotes and asking forrepparttar 103998 order. Many salespeople pre-judge, and pre-qualify (or disqualify) their prospects and never deliverrepparttar 103999 proposal, which will solve their potential clients needs. Many salespeople also deliverrepparttar 104000 proposal but then fail to ask forrepparttar 104001 order and close. The second “secret” is your Belief. You must have positive beliefs, and thoughts at all time. These beliefs will createrepparttar 104002 proper actions and habits. As Mike Litman (author of Conversations With Millionaires) says people form habits and habits form futures. The third “secret” thing you need to do is be Committed. You have to be committed to yourself, your product or service, your company, and above all your beliefs. If you choose to believe you can or believe you cannot, you are correct in both instances. You must be committed to consistently deliver a predetermined number of proposals each day, week, month, and year. Your number of sales will increase indirect proportion torepparttar 104003 number of proposals you deliver. This must be done with what I call absolute “No Option Behavior”. You must be committed 100% to deliver a proposal to every prospect you sit with and also to ask forrepparttar 104004 order from every prospect you give a proposal too.

How to Really Benefit from Associations (Part 3 of 3-Part Series)

Written by Diana Barnum

This is Part III in a 3-part series. For your convenience,repparttar entire series is online here:

· Part I: “How to Develop Industry Contacts”

· Part II: “Tips For Improved Networking in Associations”

· Part III: “Researching Associations in Your Industries”


Some people within each organization generally seem to have a lot more industry knowledge than others. For example, Board members, elderly members who have been inrepparttar 103992 industry for years, Executive Directors and office administration staff can often direct you to additional resources about your group and industry. In fact, these people often have FILES of info.

What you can do:

1.Call ahead & offer to pick up any copies of info they can supply you from their files. Offer to takerepparttar 103993 person to lunch & discussrepparttar 103994 latest group, industry & business info. Referencerepparttar 103995 latest selections from your ebook club membership for help - - where at least two new ebooks come out each month.

2.Stay in touch with these people. But don’t be a nuisance. I.E. when you need something, send a 1-sentence email or leave a brief voicemail. When they send materials your way, always send a “Thank You” email or leave a “Thank you” voicemail. Ask if they’d like to be on your newsletter and announcement lists or invite them to download information about your company that you have stored for automated, quick use at .

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