The 5 Stages of Life Transformation

Written by Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

The 5 Stages of Life Transformation By Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author

September 11, 2001 wasrepparttar world’s wake up call. Afterrepparttar 122407 chaos and confusion, we awoke torepparttar 122408 realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life. For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of affairs and recognizing allrepparttar 122409 changes we needed to make. We often know it is important to change our lives, but do not know where to begin. Change can be easy, really---by changing your thoughts, you change your feelings, and thus change your actions. Inrepparttar 122410 21st century, we have better skills to deal withrepparttar 122411 darkness, and we are more enlightened and aware than ever before in history. Even still, it often has to get darker before it becomes lighter and brighter. But, inrepparttar 122412 modern world, we do not need to wait until something happens to cause us to change. In fact, you can choose to live a change-oriented, rich, and fulfilling life right now. To transform your life, you need to raise your awareness, practice pro-activity, and live by your vision, purpose, and values. The good news is that millions of people are consciously working on themselves, actively seeking healing on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Since we are all one, when we heal our self, we heal others, and ultimately heal our planet. Now isrepparttar 122413 perfect opportunity for you to step up torepparttar 122414 plate and make a major contribution torepparttar 122415 world. To beginrepparttar 122416 process, learn aboutrepparttar 122417 five steps to life transformation.

The 5 Stages of Transformation Someone once said, “There is nothing about a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.” This quote illustratesrepparttar 122418 change process perfectly. The butterfly represents a thing of great beauty. A butterfly completely transforms itself from a comfortable cocoon into a radiant entity with wings. You are like a beautiful butterfly waiting to be re-born and transformed.

The Path of Illumination

Written by Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed

The Path of Illumination By Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author

Change is a mythological journey, where we hearrepparttar call; go with uncertainty into unknown dangers, until we finally find our way home. You can become what your spirit intended you to be---whole, perfect and free. To free yourself, you must step intorepparttar 122406 light, be brave and take action. Although you may feel safe inrepparttar 122407 dark because it is what is familiar to you,repparttar 122408 safety is withinrepparttar 122409 light. Where there is light, there is growth. Once you have stepped onrepparttar 122410 path of transformation, you are well on your way to a new experience. You can no longer denyrepparttar 122411 growth that is taking place within you. If you do, you will extinguishrepparttar 122412 growth. You must honorrepparttar 122413 growth. It is like a growing tree, if you cutrepparttar 122414 trunk, it will die. If you deny your own growth, you will killrepparttar 122415 light within you—the golden light of love, peace, and knowingness. You must stay onrepparttar 122416 path of illumination. You are where you are onrepparttar 122417 spiritual path because of many things you have experienced and learned. You have knowledge. But that is not enough, you must apply that knowledge by taking action and making smart decisions. You cannot stand still. You must keep walking onrepparttar 122418 path, progressing forward. The soul is a manifestation of God’s power. Your soul (like all souls) is infinite, with no beginning and no end. Each soul is an important part ofrepparttar 122419 universal plan for humanity’s growth and evolution. We all haverepparttar 122420 responsibility to illuminate and enlighten ourselves. Illumination isrepparttar 122421 higher state of consciousness. Higher consciousness isrepparttar 122422 constant, ever-changing awareness of our psychological truth. It is an awareness not only of positive, conscious intent, but also of negative, destructive intent that may lie in consciousness. The spiritual person understands that they must be aware of unconscious attitudes that prevent positive manifesting. They know that in order to create a beautiful, fulfilling liferepparttar 122423 fears that lie inrepparttar 122424 unconscious must be brought torepparttar 122425 surface, looked at inrepparttar 122426 light of reason, worked through and dissolved.

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