The 5 Inner Enemies That Will Stop You From Achieving Your Goals

Written by Veronica Lim

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"The 5 Inner Enemies That Will Stop You From Achieving Your Goals"

- by Veronica Lim

(c) Veronica Lim. All Rights Reserved.


Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

We aren't born that way nor do we mean to be that way, but it can often come about because of our past experiences, what someone may have told us, what we've read inrepparttar papers… and then without realising, we develop these inner enemies. How many of them can you identify with?

(1) The Confused Indecision-maker You will often hearrepparttar 122900 Confused Indecision-Maker complaining aboutrepparttar 122901 way things are, and how much better it would be if things were different. It's often "someone else's" fault too. But if you stopped them and asked, "What do you want then?" they usually find it hard to give you an answer. They know what they don't want, but they don't know what they do want. As a result, they don't make decisions that will take them closer to what they want, nor do they recognise it when what they want is staring them betweenrepparttar 122902 eyes.

(2) The Historian There are three aspects torepparttar 122903 Historian. The first is that historians think that because it hasn't happened inrepparttar 122904 past or that they haven't made it happen inrepparttar 122905 past, that it won't happen inrepparttar 122906 future. The second aspect is that they keep on thinking withrepparttar 122907 same mindset as inrepparttar 122908 past, and so never begin to see things with a new perspective or come up with new ideas. Andrepparttar 122909 third is that they are continually bemoaning how wonderful things were in "the good old days" that they fail to notice what's good about today.

(3) The Doubting Thomas One ofrepparttar 122910 favourite utterances ofrepparttar 122911 Doubting Thomas is, "See! I told you so!" The Doubting Thomas isrepparttar 122912 person who either thinks that it can't be done or that they can't do it. So they don't put any effort into getting what they want, and then, when it doesn't happen, they get to be right! At other times,repparttar 122913 Doubting Thomas may well put effort into getting what they want, but then spend their time worrying about it and wondering if it will ever happen. This causes them to feel stressed and tired.

Different New-Year's Resolution - Pass-It-Forward

Written by Nisandeh Neta

Every 12 months, asrepparttar New-Year rolls around, we all brag about our New-Year's Resolutions. With inflated chests and with allrepparttar 122899 authority we can muster, we announce to any and every available ear, that we're going to lose weight, stop drinking and smoking so much, as well as spend more time with our family, in addition to investing more time down atrepparttar 122900 gym.

Mostly our vision extends no further than our own noses. To add insult to injury, we usually don't follow through on our "Me Orientated" resolutions and goals. In a matter of months, and sometimes even weeks, we've forgotten all about our "new improved" character, which results in feelings of frustration and failure.

Most 'experts' tell us not to elevate our expectations too high. Onrepparttar 122901 other hand, perhaps we fail because we don't set out goals high enough.

What if we looked outward instead of inward when making our declarations? Would we then be able to complete a year feeling satisfied rather than contemptuous about ourselves?

I'd like to take a risk and suggest one resolution that might last a year, or, maybe even, a lifetime. A resolution that makes you feel good about yourself whilst simultaneously including others.

It's not my idea so I don't want to take any credit for it. In fact,repparttar 122902 idea originated from a movie called 'Pay It Forward' directed by Mimi Leder. If there's one video you need to see this year - then this isrepparttar 122903 one.

The idea is simple. You do something good for other people. These people cannot 'repay' you... They are encouraged to pay-it-forward. In turn, doing something good for someone else. And so on and so forth.

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