I don't know who to acknowledge for
following, but whoever it was sure said a mouthful."There are only two ways to get to
top of a tree. One is to climb
tree. The other is to sit on an acorn and wait".
Think about it for a minute and you can see a lot of parallels with netpreneurs. Are you climbing
tree, or waiting for something to happen?
Study those who succeed on
internet and you will find they often use a well planned approach that incorporates four active marketing ingredients that could make or break you.
In effect, when they head up
tree, they do so on a thick, sturdy trunk. One unlikely to break and much more likely to support them.
Here they are:
-*First*, give away something valuable free in exchange for email addresses. People on
internet are looking for freebies. If you've got something free, they'll be looking for you.
It could be a good e-book or some other information, some software, a free consultation or whatever may be appropriate for your particular business. But
key point is that it must be useful and valuable to be effective.
-*Second*, you need a strong lead product. Make sure it's as good as it gets. Whether it's
price or
service, it must have a significant competitive advantage. As you know,
competition is fierce.
And stick to one primary product at first. If you present a number of choices, even if they are all wonderful, you are adding an additional decision dimension that just complicates things for
potential buyer … and usually loses