The 25 Deadly Sins For Your Internet Marketing Website

Written by Detlev Reimer

Content Is KING!

If you create a website, be sure to have valuable content you can offer. Try to find facts which cannot be found anywhere else onrepparttar Internet. It can be a lot of hard work, but if you can deliver unique content, you will certainly have visitors which will appreciate this.

Especially, having dozens of banners at your homepage should be avoided. This is like to say to someone onrepparttar 134463 street : "Give me all your money". Your visitor has not intended to come to your website to make you money but to find valuable content he can profit from.

Be Decent With Your Ads

Of course, this should not refrain you from making money with your website, but it has to be more decent than blinking banners everywhere on your page. One banner, a sponsor, should be enough for one page.

Once you have finished your pages and uploaded them to your webspace, be sure to check everything online as well. Often, repparttar 134464 links work on your local computer but if you want to access it onrepparttar 134465 net, pages cannot be found, graphics are not loaded, links lead to nowhere-land, forms do not work correctly etc. ... etc.

Check Every Link Online

Most ofrepparttar 134466 times this is due torepparttar 134467 fact that links are automati- cally set to your local directories and not to your URL. So make sure, you test every link online as well, especiallyrepparttar 134468 spelling of your linknames. This is a very common source for faults and testing is something I would really recommend.

Test The Functionality Of Your Forms

If you have forms on your web site, testrepparttar 134469 functionality with your own contact information and e-mail address first. Nothing is more annoying to your visitors than if they want to contact you throughrepparttar 134470 form you deliver and then nothing happens or they get an errror messsage. This doesn't have to be that way.

25 Deadly Sins For Your Internet Marketing Website

01. Your page has so many advertisements on it that your content is hidden

02. Background sound is played in a loop and cannot be switched off and takes ages to load...

The immutable laws of effective navigation - part 1

Written by Jamie Kiley

The first immutable law of effective navigation: It's gotta be readily available.

Visitors should not have to hunt for your navigation or wonder where to find it. If you've done your job right, it will be right there when they are ready for it.

The struggle in creating good navigation is to figure out what type of navigationrepparttar visitor is going to need, when he is going to need it, and whererepparttar 134462 most effective placement will be.

Basically, you have to anticipate your visitors needs and have a solution ready.

Here are four key areas where you can squeeze outrepparttar 134463 most effectiveness:

1. Global navigation.

Global navigation is a set of links to allrepparttar 134464 main areas of your site that is available on every page ofrepparttar 134465 site inrepparttar 134466 same place. Global navigation is a must-have, because it gives visitors ready access torepparttar 134467 key areas on your site.

If you don't have this type of navigation, visitors tend to get lost. They lose their ability to easily move around betweenrepparttar 134468 main sections.

When you use global navigation, visitors develop a sense of familiarity with your site becauserepparttar 134469 site is consistent. When they need to find something, they know right where to look for it.

Global navigation should be acrossrepparttar 134470 top ofrepparttar 134471 page or downrepparttar 134472 left side, since these two places are where visitors will look first.

Also, it's crucial that global navigation be inrepparttar 134473 first fold ofrepparttar 134474 page. This means it needs to be visible inrepparttar 134475 first windowrepparttar 134476 visitor sees before they scroll down. Since these options representrepparttar 134477 most crucial sections of your site, it's imperative that visitors see them immediately. Never put your main navigation belowrepparttar 134478 fold.

2. Spotlighted navigation.

On many sites, there are a few navigation options that getrepparttar 134479 spotlight inrepparttar 134480 center ofrepparttar 134481 main page. The concept is great--hook visitors withrepparttar 134482 key areas right up front.

However, many people completely missrepparttar 134483 boat because they focus onrepparttar 134484 wrong links. Frequently, they link torepparttar 134485 company history orrepparttar 134486 mission statement.

Wrong focus. Visitors don't care.

You have to concentrate on what's important to your reader and what they want to see. What arerepparttar 134487 most important places visitors are likely to go on your site? Which pages are really crucial? Put those things front and center.

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