The #1 Way to Overcome Procrastination

Written by Mary Anne Hahn

"Never handlerepparttar same piece of paper twice."

This oft-heard bit of advice kept swimming through my thoughts as I stared atrepparttar 101988 piece of paper in front of me, wondering what on earth to do with it. Not that this wasrepparttar 101989 first time I'd touched this particular piece of paper. Notrepparttar 101990 second, norrepparttar 101991 third. In fact, I'd tossed this sucker back into my in-bin several times duringrepparttar 101992 last two months.

The time had come to do something with it.

But what? I'd already asked my boss for clarification onrepparttar 101993 assignment--twice. And who knew how many minutes I'd spent, on and off, studying it, mulling over it, and feeling guilty about not doing anything with it. It had become my nemesis, this piece of paper. How could I make it disappear, once and for all? Why did I keep procrastinating on this one task?

That's when it hit me. Maybe I had at last asked myselfrepparttar 101994 right question. Instead of "what do I do with this?", perhapsrepparttar 101995 real question was "why am I *not* doing this?"

Intrigued by this new insight, I looked atrepparttar 101996 piece of paper again. Within seconds,repparttar 101997 answer came to me. I kept putting this task off because I simply didn't have enough information to complete it. And asking my boss for assistance hadn't helped because she wasn't a subject matter expert on this topic, either. But I did know someone who was, and I knew that person would be more than happy to help me.

I was finally on my way to making that piece of paper go away. Moreover, I'd learned a very important lesson on how to deal with procrastination inrepparttar 101998 process.

During my research on this topic, I discovered an article by Dr. Kent T. Yamauchi at Virginia Tech, in which he listed three main causes for procrastination: inadequacy, discomfort and perfectionism. On top of this,repparttar 101999 tendency to procrastinate something often increases exponentially with our desire to complete it; therefore,repparttar 102000 more importantrepparttar 102001 goal is to our feeling of success and well-being,repparttar 102002 more reasons we find to put off doing it.

So here we are, many of us, putting off returning to school, or writing that book, or starting our business, or whatever it is that we resolve year after year to do--but don't.

To Start Succeeding, Stop Pushing

Written by Julie Jordan Scott

"I have to solve this problem now. The soonerrepparttar better!"

"Once I figure this out I will....."

"I can't do Y until I do X and I do X RIGHT"

Push, push, push.

As a society, it seems popular and highly favored to become a "go getter". Some one who "knows where she is going and makes a way to get there."

Ladder climbers have been known to trounce several or quite a few on repparttar 101987 way above and beyond.

The easy way?

Never! Part ofrepparttar 101988 badge of honor isrepparttar 101989 striving,repparttar 101990 struggle,repparttar 101991 sweat andrepparttar 101992 tears.

There has GOT TO BE a better way.

The good news there IS and it is SOOOOO much simpler!

Instead of pushing so hard and becoming so frustrated, simply tap intorepparttar 101993 most efficient methods of using your personal gifts to achieverepparttar 101994 desired results.

You might be asking, "Well, how is that possible without pushing?"

Here isrepparttar 101995 often overlooked secret.

There are three simple steps:

1. Instead of saying "I HAVE TO solve this problem or ONCE I figure this out or I MUST do X before Y, ask yourself something else. The have to's andrepparttar 101996 once I's andrepparttar 101997 I must's are fruit of not having enough. They arerepparttar 101998 outcome of believingrepparttar 101999 world is a place of poverty, powerlessness and scarcity. One moment walking alongrepparttar 102000 shore and you will remember this is a world of incredible abundance. So ASK yourself, "How can I solve this?" or "How can I do this now?" or "In what way can I do Y before X is in place?" Simply, quietly and reflectively ask yourself those replacement questions whenever one ofrepparttar 102001 scarcity based statements begins playing in your mind's audio system.

2. Do not become overly concerned about an immediate answer. Simply ask, and if you have not had a "Eureka" moment, continue to quietly and peacefully re-askrepparttar 102002 question WITHOUT pushing. One ofrepparttar 102003 best times to ask yourself your question is before going to sleep at night. In fact, this is a practice you may want to try each night before going to sleep.

3. Be alert to any possible response from your subconscious mind. You may want to spend some focused contemplative time and directly ask yourself forrepparttar 102004 response. Many people will say "I don't have any more minutes in my day. How can I spend contemplative time?" One response is ASK yourself! And for now, userepparttar 102005 time you are already using for something else and build a bridge. One method is to use your shower or bath time. Hopefully when you are showering you are relaxed and comfortable, which isrepparttar 102006 perfect context to tune into your wellspring of ideas.

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