by Karon Thackston © 2004 http://www.learn-copywriting.comHeadlines are, without a doubt, one of
most important elements in copywriting. As has been said countless times before, if you don't get your readers’ attention with
chance of them reading your copy is virtually none. But headlines (and sub-headlines) play a vital part in
copywriting process for other reasons, too.
Whether we, as copywriters, like it or not,
fact is most people will not read all
copy word for word. Headlines can help fill in
blanks in several ways so "skimmers" still get
gist of
information included in
Headlines Outline
Using headlines and sub-heads that state benefits about your product/service can be a powerful strategy. Using wireless home networking for example, you might create headlines and sub-heads that read:
--Work From Anywhere In Your Home --No More Jumbled Cables Strung Everywhere --Have Multiple Computers Online At The Same Time --Make All The Computer Users In Your Home Happy
Even if
customer didn't read
copy included in between these heads and sub-heads, they would still be made aware of all
benefits of having a wireless home network.
Headlines Give An Overview
Depending on
type of copy you're writing, headlines can help to urge your customers to read further. In fact, in long-form copy, headlines should create their own sub-set of copy. If you read just
headlines, they should make sense all by themselves. For example, copy about a new book on how to start your own business might use
following headlines.
New Book Takes You Step-by-Step Through Starting Your Own Business