That Was No Gorilla, That Was My Inattentional Blindness

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

If you were watching a basketball game and someone in a gorilla costume stomped acrossrepparttar court pounding his chest, you'd notice, wouldn't you?

According to psychologist Dan Simons, there's only a 50% chance you would!

It's called "inattentional blindness" or "change blindness" - being too focused to see things right in front of our eyes.

According to a fascinating article in "The Carleton Voice," by Jack El-Hai, when Simons had subjects watch a basketball video and told them to countrepparttar 126244 number of players' passes, half of them didn't notice whenrepparttar 126245 gorilla walked across.

"We have to rewindrepparttar 126246 tape to show them [the gorilla]," said Simons. "That's what I find most interesting about all this -repparttar 126247 size ofrepparttar 126248 errors we can make. We really believe that something important will attract our attention much ofrepparttar 126249 time."

The article continues to describe another experiment not unlike candid camera:

The Power of Covert Hypnosis

Written by Alan Tutt

The Power of Covert Hypnosis by Alan Tutt

Where isrepparttar greatest need for Power in your life? For most people, it is in persuading others to go along with our ideas. Whether we are trying to sell a product or service to a prospect, trying to discipline our children, trying to convince our boss to give us a raise, or trying to seduce that beautiful stranger, a greater degree of Power will help us achieve our goals much easier.

In one respect or another, we are trying to sell someone on an idea in practically every situation of our lives. If we could improve our ability to controlrepparttar 126243 situation, our effectiveness as a person would go up considerably, and we would be a more powerful person.

Logic will not always win, even when logic is on our side. I'm sure you've been inrepparttar 126244 situation where every deciding factor was in your favor, yetrepparttar 126245 other person still would not go along with your plan. Sometimes we take this as a rejection of ourselves,repparttar 126246 other person simply did not like us. Sometimes we feel that trust wasrepparttar 126247 issue to blame, or mayberepparttar 126248 issue was fear of some sort or another.

The human mind is a very mysterious system. There are so many factors which govern a person's behavior, and so many variables which we are almost never aware of, that trying to predict exactly what will cause a person to accept our proposal is usually a guaranteed way to fail.

But we don't have to predict what a person will do. We only have to influence their decision so that they are more likely to do what we want them to do, and our success rate will be better than it was before. In any complex system, a small change can sometimes have dramatic results!

In our study ofrepparttar 126249 mind, we find thatrepparttar 126250 subconscious mind, that part which is outside of our conscious control, is very suggestible. What's more,repparttar 126251 subconscious mind is also far more in control of our actions and behavior than our reasoning, conscious mind. For those of us who look for any and all means to achieve our goals, there is a hint of Power in this knowledge.

What if we could find a way to influencerepparttar 126252 subconscious mind ofrepparttar 126253 person we are trying to win over to our point of view? If we could find a way to suggest torepparttar 126254 other person's subconscious mind that they want what we are offering, and want it with a fierce desire, then our goal of persuading them will be much easier.

Advertisers have long studiedrepparttar 126255 methods of influencingrepparttar 126256 subconscious mind. You have probably heard ofrepparttar 126257 experiments with subliminal messages played in movie theaters. A whole industry grew up aroundrepparttar 126258 concept of subliminal messages to help a person change their behavior and their habits. Whilerepparttar 126259 results are generally disappointing to many who have triedrepparttar 126260 products offered,repparttar 126261 disappointment was as much to do withrepparttar 126262 general nature ofrepparttar 126263 suggestions buried inrepparttar 126264 material as it was due to any other factor.

Another industry has gained much popularity inrepparttar 126265 last several years. This industry has grown up around a new technology of understanding and manipulatingrepparttar 126266 mind. This technology is called NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). NLP teaches us that most people access different areas ofrepparttar 126267 mind while performing some basic physical actions that you can identify. Using this information, you can tell if a person is remembering an actual event that took place or if they are making up a story to cover up what really happened.

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