"Thanks For The Rejection!"

Written by Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President Customersatisfaction.com

“Thanks For The Rejection!”


Dr. Gary S. Goodman  2004

Author: The Law Of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable

It sounds a little masochistic, but I actually appreciate being rejected. No, I don’t needlessly relishrepparttar sting of reproach, or eagerly welcome scornful criticism, per se. But, as a writer, a salesperson, and an entrepreneur, I have come to appreciate that there is a strong correlation betweenrepparttar 149201 frequency of rejections that I withstand andrepparttar 149202 amount of success I generate, especially in my career. Every professional writer can wallpaper a mansion with rejection slips. In fact, I read somewhere thatrepparttar 149203 famous novel, The Yearling, was submitted under a different title as an experiment, and it was rejected by scores of publishers AFTER it had won incredible acclaim. Curiously,repparttar 149204 original publisher rejectedrepparttar 149205 work, too. Salespeople are taught that there is a math-of-success. They have to withstand a certain number of no’s before they can earn a yes. And few entrepreneurs succeed after trying only one venture. Typically, it takes several attempts and even when one initiative prevails, its lifespan is limited. As I write this article, in fact, I’m probably not experiencing ENOUGH rejection. If I want to get more done, to appreciaterepparttar 149206 thrills of more achievements, I need to put myself onrepparttar 149207 line, more and more. I have to ASK for what I want and need, and of course when I do so, I’ll be giving peoplerepparttar 149208 power to say NO. Let me ask you this:

What could you achieve in life if you decided to become totally and blissfully impervious to hostile criticism and to rejection? What careers or hobbies would you pursue that you’re just too emotionally brittle to engage in, now?

For instance, a friend of mine is a professional actor. He is amongrepparttar 149209 10% of thespians who actually finds a considerable amount of work inrepparttar 149210 field. In fact, just this year he appeared in four motion pictures, and a few were highly publicized, and did fairly well atrepparttar 149211 box office. But he has to constantly trawl for work and he is a tireless self-promoter. He even asked me if I could send a note to visitors to my web site that would toutrepparttar 149212 brilliance of his most recent film! Though he hopes that one of his roles will become a breakout success and will attract even more roles, he doesn’t assume this will occur. Onrepparttar 149213 contrary, he hustles day in and day out, answering every casting call, and networking like crazy to hear about roles that he might play. He behaves like a kid who is struggling to get intorepparttar 149214 business, and he’s grateful for every break he gets. He speculates that most people don’t make a living inrepparttar 149215 acting field because they become worn down by rejections. They stop believing in their skills, and as a result, they try less and less. And by trying less, they succeed less. If they would just workrepparttar 149216 numbers, and eagerly go for every opportunity, they’d work more, polish their skills, and they’d stay busy doing what they love. Success would then become inevitable. I’ve been giving considerable thought torepparttar 149217 fear of rejection, and here’s one of my conclusions about it:

It isn’trepparttar 149218 rejection that is intrinsically disturbing. It’srepparttar 149219 interpretation we make about it that drives us nuts and prevents us from realizing our potential.

What do we tell ourselves? In essence, we drawrepparttar 149220 wrong inferences and make inappropriate generalizations from these experiences. For one thing, we tell ourselves thatrepparttar 149221 rejections will be pervasive. If X rejected us, so will Y and Z. Another tendency is to believe that today’s rejection will be permanent. If X said no yesterday, he’ll definitely say no today and tomorrow. Finally, we tell ourselves that rejection is personal. It’s about us, as individuals, and it reveals fundamental flaws about our character, our skills, or our attractiveness.

The 7 Deaths of a Salesman

Written by Mike Nacke

In sales, you can work one of two ways. You can either dorepparttar things you should do or you can dorepparttar 149118 things you want to do. Sometimes these are one inrepparttar 149119 same, but more often they are at odds with one another. However, this article isn’t about doingrepparttar 149120 right things, it’s about showing you what things to avoid. If you can figure out how to control each of these 7 things on a daily basis, you’ll be well on you way to selling success.

Eternal Email

Eternal email can occur several different ways. The most common of these is checking your email every five minutes in eager anticipation of something new. Another way to waste your day with email is by relying on it for long messages or conversations that last longer than a few sentences.

To control your email instead ofrepparttar 149121 other way around, set aside two or three scheduled times a day to check it. Also, never have a conversation over email that could ever be misinterpreted because ofrepparttar 149122 rigidity of writing instead of speaking. Embrace your telephone for communication with your clients, prospects, and colleagues. Inrepparttar 149123 age of information overload, a friendly voice onrepparttar 149124 other end ofrepparttar 149125 phone can greatly separate you from your competitors who are taking hours of their client’s time with excessive emails.

Personal Phone Calls

How many people do you know at your office that take at least a dozen personal phone calls a day? I bet at least one or two people came to your mind almost immediately. Do you know why? Because taking personal phone calls is one ofrepparttar 149126 most distracting and unprofessional things you can do in a corporate environment and is immensely irritating to co-workers. If you’re concerned with productivity, this should be one of your most irritating pet peeves.

If you don’t think that taking personal phone calls at work is such a bad thing, then you may berepparttar 149127 very person atrepparttar 149128 office that everyone is complaining about.

In sales, if you’re having problems with personal phone calls, I recommend putting a little note onrepparttar 149129 receiver of your phone that says “Can this Wait Until Later?” Most ofrepparttar 149130 time, when you take a personal call at work, it’s because you think it has to happen right now. Ask yourself this question before taking any personal phone calls atrepparttar 149131 office and you’ll quickly start to take less time each day with distraction.

Unplanned Internet Research

A killer for sales people is surfingrepparttar 149132 internet for hours at a time and justifying it as prospect research. Should you do research every day on your clients and prospects? Of course you should, but only if it doesn’t interfere with your more important tasks such as meeting with clients, following up with prospects, and asking for referral business.

The key to overcoming unplanned internet research, as well as many of these other distractions, is planning your dayrepparttar 149133 night before. Lay aside a reasonable amount of time each day for research (probably between 30 minutes to an hour) and make sure you don’t go outside of that timerepparttar 149134 next day. Try to keep this philosophy for your sales research, only do research that you plan to act on inrepparttar 149135 next 24 hours. That will prevent you from doing any research that you might forget before havingrepparttar 149136 opportunity to use it.

Running Personal Errands on Your Sales Route

Whether it’s dry cleaning, grocery shopping, buying shoes, or anything else, keep your personal errands out of your business life. Why? Because you have a limited number of hours each day to sell and you can’t afford to spend that time on things that aren’t making you any money.

In sales, everything should be weighed according to its opportunity cost. You probably remember this from your economics class in college. Basically, opportunity cost meansrepparttar 149137 cost of something in terms of an opportunity foregone (andrepparttar 149138 benefits that could be received from that opportunity). Whetherrepparttar 149139 cost is time, safety, or money, nothing is ever totally free. So when you’re picking up your dry cleaning during time that you could be making phone calls,repparttar 149140 opportunity cost of doing that isrepparttar 149141 amount of money you would be making if you were making calls instead of picking up your dry cleaning. Measure everything in sales by looking atrepparttar 149142 opportunity cost and you’ll find that making decisions about what to do first becomes much easier.

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