Thank You For Your Patience (We'll Be With You As Soon As Possible)

Written by © Carol Dorman 2003

How many times have you heard that when you make a phone call? A phone call about something which is absolutely vital to your current state of mind? A matter of utmost importance torepparttar nation's welfare...nay -repparttar 132576 WORLD'S!! ...(umm..that may be a bit exaggerated - but hey, I'm annoyed!)

It seems that every corporation, government department, odds and sods subsidiary - in fact any entity that has it's own logo - these days is incapable of providing real live people to talk to on a "first contact" basis.

Of course there isrepparttar 132577 option of eventually talking to a real, live person - at least that's what we're told...byrepparttar 132578 machines...but can you really trust a machine who cannot feel your pain...but I digress - as long as you have a good 20 minutes or so to spare. (yes, that is a conservative figure) Now there's a lot one can do in 20 minutes while waiting forrepparttar 132579 real live person to show up atrepparttar 132580 other end ofrepparttar 132581 phone line. Wash some dishes, clean something, think about cleaning something. Crikey, my mum could even have a batch of biscuits inrepparttar 132582 oven! Not me - my bikkies taste better out ofrepparttar 132583 packet...

Our Present Reality

Written by Joseph Ghabi

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Our Present Reality – By Joseph Ghabi

How do you envision your life and dreams? Do you look at them with open or closed eyes? If you have your eyes open, that means you are not afraid to go after what you dream of. With closed eyes, it means that you are having some difficulties and are fearful or hesitant to go after them.

How do you look at your past experiences? Do you look at these with open or closed eyes? Looking at your past experiences with open eyes means that they are inrepparttar 132576 distant past and you are over them. If you look at these with closed eyes, it means that you still have difficulties in letting go or accepting what happened in your past experiences and also in forgivingrepparttar 132577 people who were involved inrepparttar 132578 situations.

There are two realities in every experience or lesson in our lives. Those realities determinerepparttar 132579 effects andrepparttar 132580 direction we will take in our lives. However,repparttar 132581 choice is always ours and it is our own responsibility to do whatever we decide to do with our lives inrepparttar 132582 end.

Anytime you have problems or if you happen to be experiencing problems atrepparttar 132583 moment,repparttar 132584 way you see yourself within that problem will determine what your reality is. In life there is always black and white, yet many of us are stuck inrepparttar 132585 middle inrepparttar 132586 grey area. Being indecisive all of your life is not an answer though is it? We are talking about YOUR LIFE here, and it seems that most of us do not give a toss about it! The people who don’t care arerepparttar 132587 ones who have already given up on life. That isrepparttar 132588 case whether they like it or not! These arerepparttar 132589 people who thrive on gettingrepparttar 132590 sympathy which comes when they constantly complain about their life to other people. Unfortunately, in reality living this way is not a solution to your problems either!

Let’s consider, for instance, this scenario. You were abused physically or mentally during childhood from either your father, mother or from someone else. You are now grown up and have become mature man or woman. In this case there is now a huge chance that you will become gay or lesbian in your style of relationship. This is common for many of us, although in many cases it can be an unconscious choice made as a means of rebellion againstrepparttar 132591 fact you experienced abuse earlier in your life from a member ofrepparttar 132592 opposite sex. This usually would happen whenrepparttar 132593 experience of being abused has not been handled properly. Don’t get me wrong here, I have no problem with same sex couples, however, in our case here, this is not living withrepparttar 132594 right intention towards ourselves orrepparttar 132595 other people involved. The many people who are familiar with circumstances such as this will likely have confusion about their sexual identity at a later stage in life. We will leave this subject for deeper discussion at a later time!

We will now consider your heterosexual relationship inrepparttar 132596 case where your childhood abuse was again with someone ofrepparttar 132597 opposite sex. In many instances, after experiencing this, we might always fall intorepparttar 132598 wrong relationships once again. Many of these relationships end up being abusive, regardless ofrepparttar 132599 type of abuse. Abuse is abuse and is always wrong in any case. What would happen then in your situation? In many cases you end up blaming yourself as if you wererepparttar 132600 one who was provoking your partner, or whoever it was, to abuse you. Then you always end up forgiving him or her for their abuse by making up all kinds of excuses to justify what they did wrong to you inrepparttar 132601 first place. Why do you do that? You know you are neither helping yourself or them by accepting this kind of treatment. Think about it!

Let’s get back torepparttar 132602 fact that you were abused as a child that you have not been able to handle it properly. As a child being abused you probably felt hopeless and that there was nothing you could have done or said to stop this because you did not want to hurt your father, mother or other people inrepparttar 132603 family. Maybe one of your parents,repparttar 132604 one who is not abusing you, is also afraid ofrepparttar 132605 other and is making excuses on their behalf. What has all this to do with your situation today? It is probably very similar but you are playing different roles. The best excuse you can tell yourself is “I love him or her” I do not understand this when on top of it all you are still being abused and or taken advantage of. How do you justify this as being a love relationship making you feel happy?

What isrepparttar 132606 link between both experiences of being a child and being an adult? It is possible that you went for therapy between those ages, yet it might not have brought you any effect. In many cases your therapy probably succeeded in fixingrepparttar 132607 immediate problem, perhaps on a ‘conscious’ level. For many of you though,repparttar 132608 therapy probably did not do much because unless you and your therapist were working on healingrepparttar 132609 fear based atrepparttar 132610 root of where your trouble stems from at an earlier stage in your life. If this isrepparttar 132611 case, do not blame yourself. You probably do not know any better!

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