Oxygen and terror. Rarely do sentences contain such oddities. Except they were written with blue pencils. But wait a moment. Few things have stimulated interest in this world as those strange bed fellows. Yet it appears that we have more mismatches these days than compatibles. (Like America and France in G-8.)
Now consider
similarity between oxygen and terror.
First, they have provided an endless field of study and research for
brains. A study of oxygen will take you to oxides, combustion, oxidation, acidation, respiration, and organic matter at elementary level; and climatology, mineralogy, metallurgy, oceanography, military warfare, sub-marine technology, and astronomy at advanced level. (Is there water in Pluto?)
When you begin a study of terror, you will need to know about bio-terrorism, nuclear terrorism, agro-terrorism, eco-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, chemical terrorism, and radiological terrorism. But this is a beginner’s class.
For dissertation, you have to find out
secret of making, deploying, and detonating a nuke; financing and movement of terrorist funds; decoding terrorist signals; how to plan and execute a successful attack; turning crude weapons to killer giants; identifying and catching a terrorist; how to fool security men; survival in caves and caverns; and
best way to stop terrorism. (Is it not by sacking sovereign states?)
The next common thing about them is their superabundance. Oxygen,
most abundant of all elements, gives life to all living things and combines with other elements to make life possible on this earth. No wonder it is called vital air. (Priestly who isolated it named it dephlogisticated air.)
Terror, however, is present in another way. It destroys all living and non-living things. (They call it
beast.) The contrast then is that while one dephlogisticates—relieves inflammation—the other causes it. While oxygen means life, terror means death. Here
confluence and divergence between them end.
Because terror is now playing Bermuda Triangle (from Bermuda, a group of islands in
North Atlantic). It is said that any ship or airplane that passes by
deadly triangle disappears without trace.
But, today, airplanes and ships, and their human passengers, are vanishing in unsuspected spots, giving rise to
rumor that
triangle is shifting position with
rotation of
earth and
movement of
continental shelves. Already, twelve magnetic places around
world, including
North and
South Pole, are fingered as danger zones, so that none is safe anymore. You and your boat can vanish for aye in
middle of your “innocent” country river.
Similarly, terror has been moving insidiously—from
Middle-East to South East Asia, on to East Africa, then to America, and now in Western Europe. And each time it strikes,
cyclical pattern is apparent—multiple simultaneous attacks at
back of security men.
After 9/11, they did it again in
Queen’s kingdom—Great Britain—four separate attacks in London in
middle of G-8 meeting. And Scotland Yard anti-terrorist squad—beaten round and silly in their game at home—was, for once, consigned to a state of stupefaction—and tutelage.