Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World

Written by Catherine Franz

Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World

By Catherine Franz

Abundance isn't something you find fromrepparttar outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Findrepparttar 123319 ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference inrepparttar 123320 world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoyrepparttar 123321 positive results it will attract.

1. Step up and become a world peacemaker. Volunteer to help keep peace inrepparttar 123322 world. Yes, even one hour this year will make a difference. Think about it -- if 2,000 people volunteered just one hour, that 2,000 hours that peace is closer inrepparttar 123323 world. It is like interest, it compounds. You can and do make a difference. Visit The 1,000 Years of Peace Project (http://www.pledgepeace.org/) and pledge just one hour in 2004 towards peace!

2. Be a blood donor. Never done it before or not sure that they want your blood. It takes just a few minutes by phone or visiting their web site to find out. Scared of needles, I was, let their experience walk you throughrepparttar 123324 fear. Celebrate your freedom fromrepparttar 123325 fear afterwards. Go with some friends or co-workers to support you. Visit AABA at: http://www.aabb.org/Locator/Locator.asp to find out more.

3. Volunteer somewhere this year. Did you know that most employers encourage volunteering and will give time off to do so during business hours? Not sure, ask them. Organize an office group of volunteers. Visit Volunteer Match at: http://www.volunteermatch.org/ to findrepparttar 123326 right place for you to volunteer.

4. Attendrepparttar 123327 religious ceremony of at least one different faith to observe how others connect withrepparttar 123328 Divine. Not into religion, that is okay. Expand your mind by attending different events or faiths. You do not need to join, just learn and expand your horizons. We have more similarities than differences. It is when we see those similarities that we learn our connections.

Speaking Your Truth

Written by Keith Varnum

I should have been enjoyingrepparttar soothing caress ofrepparttar 123318 playful breeze as it wafted its way through my hair on this balmy evening inrepparttar 123319 Hollywood Hills section of Los Angeles. Instead, I was too self- absorbed to noticerepparttar 123320 sweet, spicy fragrance of spring blossoms inrepparttar 123321 wind. I was brooding over what I should say in my speaking engagement due to commence in about ten minutes insiderepparttar 123322 East-West Institute meditation center. In a muted voice, I was practicing my speech aloud when I was startled by a shadow invading my private corner ofrepparttar 123323 porch. The sudden appearance of a tall, swarthy stranger looming over my anxious figure temporarily seduced me out of my self-indulgence. Obviously sensing my mood and malady,repparttar 123324 lanky, dark-skinned man tried to coax me out of my funk in a soft, gentle, yet assured tone, "What'srepparttar 123325 matter, cat got your tongue? Didn't I hear you rehearsing some lines?"

"Yes, I'm preparing my presentation for this evening. I can't decide what to talk about. I don't know if people really want to hear what I have to say aboutrepparttar 123326 subject. Maybe I should just quote fromrepparttar 123327 published research onrepparttar 123328 topic and let it go at that," I replied despondently.

"It's none of my business, but why don't you just speak from your heart what you've encountered personally?" "Oh, that would be too easy!" I laughed. This bold, mysterious advisor had shifted me out of my doom and gloom. I was grateful for that. "Besides, people don't care what a twenty-year-old knows about healing. I'd better adhere to whatrepparttar 123329 experts and professionals have to say."

"Suit yourself, but I've fared much better sticking to what I've discovered firsthand. May I tell you a story?" I nodded agreement. I was thankful for any distraction at this point. A tale sounded likerepparttar 123330 perfect antidote torepparttar 123331 seriousness that had overtaken me. Through a personal story, my candid friend offeredrepparttar 123332 most precise and useful advice regarding communication I have ever received.

"Most of my early life growing up in Morocco, I was sickly," Michael began soberly. "After years of searching and experimenting in my quest for health, I came across a book by George Osawa,repparttar 123333 originator of a philosophy of healthy living called macrobiotics. Encouraged by my discovery, I devoured allrepparttar 123334 books by Osawa I could find. By eating, thinking and livingrepparttar 123335 macrobiotic way of life, I transformedrepparttar 123336 ailing youth I once was."

"I felt robust and alive again," Michael enthused. "My recovery was so miraculous and complete, I decided to devote my life to helping others inrepparttar 123337 same way George Osawa helped me. With great exuberance, I began to give public presentations aboutrepparttar 123338 macrobiotic system of eating and living. I described in detail how sickly I'd been. I expounded uponrepparttar 123339 vitality I now enjoy and how blessed I am. Hundreds of desperate North Africans were attracted to my talks- people seekingrepparttar 123340 restoration of fitness that I achieved."

Michael's poise and sincerity in recounting his tale to me explained his immediate popularity onrepparttar 123341 lecture circuit. His compassion and dedication was palpable inrepparttar 123342 cool night air.

"But as more and more people came to my talks and my reputation grew throughoutrepparttar 123343 Arab world, I began to develop a severe throat problem, " Michael continued. "At first, my throat would just itch. I coughed a lot during my speeches. As I continued to address larger and larger crowds,repparttar 123344 tickle in my throat became an acute ache. My voice gradually became harsh and grating. I was stubborn and intent upon my holy mission to help others. I insisted on keeping up my hectic speaking schedule. Finally, inrepparttar 123345 middle ofrepparttar 123346 evening lecturing torepparttar 123347 largest audience I'd ever assembled, my throat started to bleed. Of course, in my arrogance, I attempted to keep going. Eventually I was coughing up so much blood, I had to stop talking forrepparttar 123348 evening."

Asrepparttar 123349 tenacious stranger paused, I drew a quick, halting breath. I feltrepparttar 123350 need to bolster myself before he resumed. I was visibly rattled byrepparttar 123351 focus of his story. I was about to lecture onrepparttar 123352 same topic of macrobiotics to several hundred anguished souls also searching for help. The similarities were remarkable;repparttar 123353 coincidence unnerving. My hands and legs were trembling. I grabbedrepparttar 123354 wooden railing ofrepparttar 123355 stairs to stabilize myself. Why was I reacting so strongly to his story? I asked myself. I was afraid to know.

"After a frustrating week of saving my voice and waiting for my throat to heal, I began lecturing again," Michael carried on with his cautionary tale. "The same problem appeared after just ten minutes atrepparttar 123356 podium. This became a pattern forrepparttar 123357 next few months. I'd reluctantly take time off for my throat to heal. Then I'd return to my speaking schedule. Shortly into my next talk, I'd begin coughing up blood again and be forced to stop. It was extremely frustrating, to sayrepparttar 123358 least!

"I consulted many medical doctors. No practitioner could find anything medically or physiologically abnormal with my throat. I saw I must look elsewhere for relief. Needing to gain my own insight intorepparttar 123359 problem, I'd have to heal it myself.

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