Ten Ways To Achieve Harmony

Written by Sibyl McLendon

1.Meditate on a regular basis. You do not have to isolate yourself and chant mantras to meditate. Just take 15 minutes a day, sit quietly (maybe listen to some soothing music) and let your mind relax and wander.

2.Stop and think before you act/react. Ask yourself ifrepparttar situation is really going to matter tomorrow or next week. Ifrepparttar 123625 answer is no, then there is no reason to get upset today. Ifrepparttar 123626 answer is yes, then ponder how to solverepparttar 123627 problem simply instead of going ballistic.

3.Surround yourself with harmonious things. If you are watching violent or disturbing television or movies, listening to negative music, reading negative or violent books or playing violent video games, harmony is always going to elude you. Change your habits to findrepparttar 123628 harmony within.

4.Clean uprepparttar 123629 mess. If you have piles of papers, loads of junk and a messy environment around you it will lead to disharmony within. When you eliminaterepparttar 123630 mess and simplify your surroundings, harmony follows.

5.Create a harmonious ritual for yourself. If you can do one thing a day that makes you feel peaceful you will be amazed atrepparttar 123631 results. Take a candlelit bath, journal before bed, take a walk, learn Tai Chi… just find one simple ritual and stick to it.

Ten Steps To Empowerment

Written by Sibyl McLendon

1.Let go ofrepparttar past. The past is gone forever, and hanging on to it keeps you from living fully today. Pain, anger, and regret are like quicksand. You can never alterrepparttar 123624 past.

2.Forgive yourself. We all have things that we have done that we wish we hadn’t. No one is perfect, nor should we try to be. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on.

3.Forgive others. Forgiving those who have injured us is not for their benefit, it is for ours. Holding on to hatred stunts every attempt at growth that we make. Forgive in your heart; it does not mean that you have to forget, or that you have to contactrepparttar 123625 person and tell them that you have forgiven them. Just find a way to make peace with it within yourself.

4.See yourself as a person who deservesrepparttar 123626 best in life. When you can see that you deserverepparttar 123627 best you will then seekrepparttar 123628 best. If you feel that you are undeserving ofrepparttar 123629 best that life has to offer you will take every opportunity to make yourself miserable.

5.Learn to live inrepparttar 123630 moment. Spending your time living forrepparttar 123631 future robs you of enjoying today. Living inrepparttar 123632 past is useless; it can never be changed. Resolve to make today berepparttar 123633 best possible day.

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