crucial questions of life, one of great import may just be “what is my niche?” Should you want to answer that question, what path do you follow? Where are “niches” for sale? The word “niche” comes from
French and means “dog house…” Could one say that a niche is where
dog (your offer, your talents, your specialty skills) comes to rest? And since loyalty is a canine virtue,
niche is where you are bound to find your most reliable clients… And if a dog is a man’s best friend, I propose that a niche is your home sweet home,
place where
heart is. I imply that your niche is your beloved. 1. Freedom?
A dog’s loyalty is sometimes viewed as boring while a cat’s freedom can be so much more intriguing… Although
sense of security, of home sweet home, can be reassuring, a niche is strangely enough something professionals resist, in a way not unlike a bachelor resisting commitment and marriage. The thought might be that it is too limiting to have just one relationship, one niche, when they are so many attractive possibilities… How can I pick?
2. Until Death Do Us Part
And why tying
knot when there are so many risks to not liking your niche after a while? Maybe
advantages, call them “bones,” don’t have enough marrow to decide someone to say “I do…” Once you are no longer afraid that your niche might be difficult to choose, you may find yourself concerned that this commitment is a forever thing, that you won’t ever ever be able to move again! I believe this is termed a case of “cold feet!”
3. Decisions, Decisions…
Possibly, you have narrowed your choices down to two prospects; a blond, and a brunet, and your heart is balancing between both… Maybe it is that your niche is to cater to artists, and to engineers… One has qualities
other hasn’t. See if you can assess what those two “beauties” have in common,
ways they are similar… 4. Oh, Oh, I Need You So…
Now that you have surrendered to
wisdom of finding your niche, ask yourself: Where are you most needed? Where can your work be most appreciated? Where are
people whose dreams would be fulfilled by your offering, whose hunger would be nourished by your gift, whose challenges would be soothed by your talents? Who is it natural, easy and fun for you to serve?
5. A Match Made In Heaven
After a while, you may start noticing recurring themes, and feel that you are consistently at
right time and
right place. You will recognize patterns, and decipher who is naturally drawn to your talents. Your niche is
place where you have a natural advantage because you're in
flow of life. The poet says: ”Today may be
day when I meet
Beloved…” Today may be
day when your niche comes to you…
6. I And My Beloved Are One…
physical attraction, is
relationship going to last? You may either stipulate on
type of clients you wish to attract, or learn from
clients you have already attracted and assess
impact you made. Beyond Karmic relationships,
other possibility is to come to know yourself, to meet yourself, to love yourself. Since your match (client) can only be a mirror of who you are, you may choose to develop your strengths and talents, while working on your shortcomings. Thus
outer reflection will reveal more and more to you
beauties of your inner Beloved.