Here is a true story. My dentist did a “clinical” evaluation of my teeth. That is his fancy way to say he looked in my mouth and starred at my teeth with his own two eyes. He found no cavities in his “clinical” evaluation. I felt happy and relieved!But then he took a quick x-ray. Lo-&-behold,
x-ray immediately spotted a cavity hiding under one of my fillings!!
In other words, what you see is not always all you get!!! An objective x-ray found a lot more important information than a highly trained eye.
Likewise, some applicants come across fine in a job interview. But, they then proceed to flop after you put them on
payroll. In fact, huge amounts of research prove most interviewers do poorly at predicting how an applicant will do, if hired.
So, it is crucial for a manager to use special “x-rays” to spot potential trouble lurking within an applicant – and also uncover skills and talents that will prove beneficial on-the-job. Here are five superb “x-ray” methods you can use immediately to help you hire high-achievers – and stay away from underachievers.
1. Pre-Employment Tests Research shows that customized tests are
best way to accurately predict on-the-job performance. You can use three types of tests: A. Behavior tests – to evaluate interpersonal skills, personality, and motivations B. Abilities tests – to predict brainpower in problem-solving, vocabulary, arithmetic, grammar, and handling small details C. Character tests – to detect a “bad apple” who has a bad work ethic or might steal
Tests can be given in paper-&-pencil test booklets or on
Internet. Importantly, only use tests designed for pre-employment assessments. Customize tests you use by doing a “benchmarking study” to find out how your highly productive, low-turnover employees typically score. Then, you quickly can compare applicants’ test scores against scores of your most productive employees. Of course, you can show preference for applicants who score like your winners.
2. Remember One Truism When I deliver my speech or seminar on Hire
Best -- & Avoid
Rest™, I always point out: Whatever behavior you see from
applicant during
screening process is likely to be
very best behavior you ever will see from that person! You surely witnessed this truism.
Let’s say you want to hire a high-energy person. Candidate A stays very high-energy during your entire screening process, including all in-depth interviews. Candidate B starts interviews high-energy (a good sign) but then acts increasingly drained as
interviews go on (a bad sign). Candidate A is much more likely to be high-energy on-the-job than Candidate B. Do not expect Candidate B to suddenly explode with energy if you hire that person.
3. Referrals from Your Best Employees Winners hang around with winners. Losers hang around with losers. Your best employees probably hang around with high-achievers. Ask those employees to refer applicants.