Ten Tips for Creating Positive Momentum

Written by Rich Fettke

There is positive momentum and negative momentum. Are you moving toward what you want...or away from it? Here are ten ideas (or reminders) that can help you create and maintain momentum towards what really matters. 1. Take some time to clarify your desired future outcome. Success is seeing what you want and moving toward what you see. What is important to you? Who are you becoming? How will your intention contribute to others? 2. Use visual reminders of your intention. Get some magazines and cut out pictures and words related to your goal. Put them where you'll see them on a regular basis, like on your bathroom mirror, in your wallet, next to your computer screen, or on a poster board. 3. Set clear goals with clear timelines. Write down whatrepparttar goal is, how you will know when you have achieved it, and a date when you will have achieved it. 4. Be action-oriented. When an opportunity presents itself that fits with your vision, respond to it immediately. 5. Ask yourself, "How much and what kind of fun will I have with this project?" This will help raise your energy. If you're dreadingrepparttar 123152 process there's a good chance your momentum is going to get stifled. 6. Fill your mind with inspiration. Read books, listen to audio programs, and watch videos that educate, uplift and inspire you. Go to seminars and attend conventions related to your goal. Read about and learn about people who have done what you want to do. 7. Take a Risk a Day. So often to move towards what we really want requires us to get out of our comfort zone. By getting intorepparttar 123153 habit of taking a risk a day you will strengthen your courage as you take those important actions that can lead to your greatest opportunities.

Ten Top Autobiographical Steps From Saying “No” To Saying “Yes…”

Written by Mahalene Louis

Learning to say “no” appropriately is quite an initiation, often termed “having healthy boundaries.” How healthy are those “boundaries?” Defined as something that delineates a border or a limit, boundaries imply that you are on this side, while I am onrepparttar other. They are viewed as a protection. Yet, as long as I perceive a need for protection, am I not projecting attack? It reminds me of this man having constructed a barricade around his garden, to protect his carrots from being eaten by a sneaky rabbit, to only discover that he had enclosedrepparttar 123151 rabbit in his new designed fortress! What would it be like to live without boundaries, or sneaky eating rabbit inside me? The following are ten autobiographical steps to say “yes” and “no” authentically. Feel free to travel these steps with me: my story may just be your story!

1. I don’t say “no” when…

I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid… I am afraid she won’t like me, if I say “no” to her. I divide people between losers and winners. Adopting such perspective will inevitably make me concerned that I may lose something, be lost, and/or be viewed as a loser… That isrepparttar 123152 ultimate rejection, which is my greatest fear! I’d much rather please Aunt Adele and compromise, just to convince her that I am on her side, a winner. Anything not to be rejected!

2. I don’t say “no” when…

I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid… I am afraid I will end up unloved and all alone. I have to be a team player to be safe. Acceptation by my pears, reputation is what is foremost to me. My core belief is that it’s a jungle out there, and, that I would die if I were alone. Furthermore, I haverepparttar 123153 thought that my needs won’t be met unless I surround myself with people who are obligated to me. So I say “yes” to you, withrepparttar 123154 tacit agreement that, one day, you will say “yes” to me. Now we owe each other: Anything not to be alone!

3. I don’t say “no” when…

I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid… I am afraid to challengerepparttar 123155 status quo. I can’t say “no” to his demand. I don’t want to make waves. Good people don’t make waves. Good people don’t make noises. They don’t cause “trouble.” They just followrepparttar 123156 trend, and thenrepparttar 123157 next trend. Conditioning is good; it gives you a feeling of safety, of knowing where you are. Then you don’t have to make a decision, it is all decided for you! I don’t want to be disappointed, nor do I want to disappoint Grandma Julie. Traditions are good. Anything not to change.

4. I don’t say “no” when…

I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid… I am afraid to speak my truth, and sing my song: If I start showing up, rather to be a yes man, or a no woman, which are ultimatelyrepparttar 123158 two sides ofrepparttar 123159 same coin, then I will be looked as an heretic, an original, a loony, a rebel… I will have to leaverepparttar 123160 nest, and take on a larger domain of operation. That is way too much work! I much rather hide my truth, be a good girl, stuff my throat, thwart my expression, and do as Mommy wants, even if it kills me. Anything not to be responsible.

5. I don’t say “no” when…

I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid… I am afraid of how truth will change my life. I’d rather not inquire on who is speaking, who is runningrepparttar 123161 show, is itrepparttar 123162 small I orrepparttar 123163 Big I, is itrepparttar 123164 ego orrepparttar 123165 heart? If I were to say “no” to her, she would be in pain, and it would be my entire fault! If I were to say “no” to him, he will be hurt forrepparttar 123166 rest of his life. If I say “no” to them, they won’t have any other opportunity ever. It’s dark in there, in those negative scripts. It’s dark and it’s cold… Anything not to Turn onrepparttar 123167 Light!

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