Ten Terrific Self Motivating Tips

Written by Mike Moore

TEN TERRIFIC SELF- MOTIVATING TIPS By Mike Moore http://www.motivationalplus.com

No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All a person can do for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves. Here are ten very effective strategies to help you get up and get moving toward actualizing your enormous, untapped potential.

* Be willing to leave your comfort zone. The greatest barrier to achieving your potential is your comfort zone. Great things happen when you make friends with your discomfort zone.

* Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Wisdom helps us avoid making mistakes and comes from making a million of them.

* Don't indulge in self-limiting thinking. Think empowering, expansive thoughts.

*Choose to be happy. Happy people are easily motivated. Happiness is your birthright so don't settle for anything else.

* Spend at least one hour a day in self-development. Read good books or listen to inspiring tapes. Driving to and from work provides an excellent opportunity to listen to self-improvement tapes.

Stinking Thinking Makes Hope A Dope

Written by Richard Vegas

Many centuries ago there was a Greek philosopher who lived onrepparttar Aegean Sea and wanted to go to Carthage. He was a very well educated professor of logic, so he decided he should dorepparttar 123693 very thing he taught his students. Hmmm….What was it?

Have you ever heard you are what you think? Well, ok then, I'm a Cadillac. :>). Nah…that's notrepparttar 123694 kind of thinking I talking about. What do you really think you are? Hmm…Just how organized and orderly are your thoughts? How straight is your thinking? How clean are your thoughts? Uh oh…now I've stopped teaching and gone to meddling. :>)

You see, there are certain mental patterns of thoughts that invaderepparttar 123695 thinking of almost everyone, evenrepparttar 123696 most genius of people. Negative emotions, beliefs, passions, and habits all become entangled in these patterns.

Sometimes you discover habits you would really like to correct. Sometimes you are strongly tempted to do wrong. And, then like a bug caught in a spider web you start kicking and fighting to get free.

What is happening? Your conscious will has found itself in opposition with your imagination, or emotions. And you feelrepparttar 123697 fangs of that black widow spider trying to suckrepparttar 123698 blood out of you. The more you kick,repparttar 123699 tighter that web gets andrepparttar 123700 deeper those fangs go.

Ok, hot shot, so what do I do?

Well, I'm glad you asked. Some people just give up and we all know whatrepparttar 123701 black widow does torepparttar 123702 bug that gives up, right?

The human analogy of that is a mental torture. Other people learn to userepparttar 123703 power of their subconscious mind and they get to eatrepparttar 123704 spider. That sounds tasty, uh?

We know that a bug may not be able to keep from being trapped in a spider web. And, once he is caught, it's pretty much history for that bug. But, we humans have absolute control over spider webs (thought patterns) that entrap us.

Because, we don't have to be trapped by our thoughts and can free ourselves from any undesirable thought pattern. But, to free ourselves we must use reason, in other words our logic.

Ah!! But, here'srepparttar 123705 rub.

We don't use reason alone. One ofrepparttar 123706 fallacies of our thinking is to assume we always use logic. Not so.

In reality every conscious decision isrepparttar 123707 result of what we want to do. We make our own decisions.

When we are reasoning with our logic, we haverepparttar 123708 ability to reach conclusions that are most favorable torepparttar 123709 strong inner urges of our subconscious mind. And this ability is present in everyone, evenrepparttar 123710 smartest of people.

I'm getting there…I didn't forget him…:>)

I know, you want to know about our professor? Well, remember he wanted to go to Carthage. So, he studiedrepparttar 123711 reasons he should go andrepparttar 123712 reasons he should not go. What he discovered was this; that for every reason as to why he should go, he discovered as many reasons he should not go.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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