Ten Steps to a Power-Packed, Persuasive Proposal

Written by Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Writing proposals is a skill no businessperson should be without. Often clients will put out a request for proposal from three or more companies atrepparttar same time. In order to get their business, yours has to berepparttar 129459 most convincing one --repparttar 129460 one that demonstratesrepparttar 129461 most value for clients' dollars. Here are ten steps to constructing compelling proposals that ensure your success.

1. As with any writing project, you first have to understandrepparttar 129462 purpose of your proposal andrepparttar 129463 people reading it. Usually with a proposal it is to get business, while they findrepparttar 129464 right vendor to solve a problem.

2.Understand your readers. Learn all you can about their needs. Ask lots of questions. The more needs of theirs that you address,repparttar 129465 better your chance of gettingrepparttar 129466 sale.

3. Underpromise and over deliver. Do NOT overpromise just to closerepparttar 129467 deal. For example, by pricing yourself too low, you will lose profit. Offering an unrealistic deadline will put your reputation at risk when you are unable to deliver on time.

4. Do your homework. Ask lots of questions duringrepparttar 129468 course of your research. Make sure to fully understand your client's needs, and how your product will meet their needs. What are their expectations? How will they use your product or service? Also, learn their views on pricing and quality - are they willing to pay a premium for quality, or would they rather get a sloppy job for cheap? Also find out: * What problem are they trying to solve? * What would their ideal solution be? * What isrepparttar 129469 most important aspect of this project to them: price, quality, timing? * Who isrepparttar 129470 final decision maker? Will you have to deal with a large committee of decision makers? This might pose problems for you if you receive conflicting feedback.

Ten Tips to Simplify Your Business Correspondence

Written by Linda Elizabeth Alexander

You write to express, not to use every word inrepparttar dictionary. Here are ten tips for using those words to make your writing clearer.

1. Simplify language Avoid using big or vague words. Use fewer words, but make them count.

2. Shorten sentences Business people don't have time to read 10-page letters. Cut out run-on sentences. Eliminate extra words as long as it doesn't changerepparttar 129457 meaning. You can also combine a short and a longer sentence into one to remove extra words.

3. Use active voice Instead of, "A good time was had by all," say, "We had a good time." This changesrepparttar 129458 subject from "good time" to "we." It also puts emphasis onrepparttar 129459 verb, makingrepparttar 129460 statement stronger.

4. Use present tense Stick torepparttar 129461 present tense wherever you can. Also make sure you don't switch tenses inrepparttar 129462 middle of a sentence.

5. Use bullets where appropriate Since people have little time to read, put important points in a numbered or bulleted list. This makes it easier to scan so your readers getrepparttar 129463 meaning without reading every word.

6. Never use exclamation points in business writing! Unless you're writing an advertisement or an excited letter to a friend, skiprepparttar 129464 wow factor! It doesn't belong in a memo, report, letter, or other serious-toned business writing!

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