Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 6: Human Testing

Written by Mary Davies

Welcome to part six in this search engine positioning series. Last week we discussedrepparttar importance of internal linking. In part six we will coverrepparttar 128090 obvious and yet often overlooked importance of its appeal to a real-live human being.

While not directly related to SEO it is so often overlooked inrepparttar 128091 quest for higher search engine positioning that it has become a fundamental step in our ten step series.

Over this series we will coverrepparttar 128092 ten key aspects to a solid search engine positioning campaign.

The Ten Steps We Will Go Through Are:

  1. Keyword Selection
  2. Content Creation
  3. Site Structure
  4. Optimization
  5. Internal Linking
  6. Human Testing
  7. Submissions
  8. Link Building
  9. Monitoring
  10. The Extras

Step Six - Human Testing

The most important part of your website is to reachrepparttar 128093 visitor. You have taken allrepparttar 128094 steps to create a great design and added SEO elements to your site, you have createdrepparttar 128095 perfect online presence. Now to see if all that hard work has attainedrepparttar 128096 main goal, to reachrepparttar 128097 visitor and steer them inrepparttar 128098 direction most desirable.

First things first, now'srepparttar 128099 time to check forrepparttar 128100 careless errors that happen alongrepparttar 128101 way, things like spelling mistakes, paragraph breaks, incorrect wording etc. Once you have given your new beauty a once over pass it around and get others to dorepparttar 128102 same, preferably people who have never readrepparttar 128103 content before. The problem with relying on yourself to proof read is that you already expect what you are going to see and do not read it in its entiretyrepparttar 128104 way someone would at first glance.

Oncerepparttar 128105 text is out ofrepparttar 128106 way have some fresh eyes again take a look atrepparttar 128107 site. Are there images that they find appealing, unappealing, distracting? Is there anything inrepparttar 128108 layout ofrepparttar 128109 content that is too busy or confusing? Once you've done a check ofrepparttar 128110 visual appeal ofrepparttar 128111 site you will move onto navigation.

When having someone test your site navigation it is again very important to use fresh eyes, make sure these people have no idea what to expect or where to find anything - this way they will be free to follow your beautifully laid out website or fumble and stumble into some dark hole of your site, lost screaming for help. Okay, perhaps I may have givenrepparttar 128112 worst-case scenario however, how many of us can say we have never been in that horrid place? These human testers will be sure to let you know just how your site navigation works for them. They arerepparttar 128113 average visitor and if they find what they are looking for easily then you can congratulate yourself on having such great intuition and move on torepparttar 128114 rest ofrepparttar 128115 tests to come. If there are problems inrepparttar 128116 navigation I cannot stress enough how very important it is that you address these immediately. You must getrepparttar 128117 desired information across as easily and quickly as possible.

While onrepparttar 128118 topic of navigation let's discussrepparttar 128119 different possibilities ofrepparttar 128120 placement of your main navigation. The majority of sites out there either have their main nav onrepparttar 128121 left orrepparttar 128122 top ofrepparttar 128123 page. Is there one that is better? Well, they both have their perks, either is good, anything else is bad. The majority of visitors look in these two places to navigate because that is where it always is. There will be other navigation elements throughout your site that will not be listed in your main navigation area, these internal text and image links should be well placed and easily followed IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. It's great to giverepparttar 128124 visitorrepparttar 128125 option to check out information further into your site but you really want to be sure they can get back to where they came from, especially if you are sending them off to information and away fromrepparttar 128126 product pages. Ways to achieve this are to haverepparttar 128127 information open in a new window, add a "back to previous page" link or add breadcrumb navigation. What you choose will depend onrepparttar 128128 overall structure of your site as well asrepparttar 128129 size of your site. Ifrepparttar 128130 main nav includes all of your pages (as in some small sites) then there is no need to add these nav elements however in larger sites it is easy for a visitor to get lost ifrepparttar 128131 navigation has not been tried and tested and designed specifically for ease of use. All in all, play withrepparttar 128132 navigation and test and retest it until there are no problems. The site navigation is so very important - your visitors MUST be able to browse through your site easily and without frustration.

Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 7: Website Submissions

Written by Dave Davies

Welcome to part seven in this ten-part search engine positioning series. Last week we discussedrepparttar importance of human testing. In part seven we will coverrepparttar 128089 best practices of website submissions, where to submit your website to, and how to do so.

With services offering to help you get more traffic and higher search engine positioning by submitting your website to "18 Bazillion Search Engines For Just $19.95 Per Month!" and other such claims, there has grown much confusion around website submissions. In this article we will clear up many ofrepparttar 128090 misconceptions around submitting your website and may even save you "Just $19.95 Per Month!" inrepparttar 128091 process.

Over this series we will coverrepparttar 128092 ten key aspects to a solid search engine positioning campaign.

The Ten Steps We Will Go Through Are:

  1. Keyword Selection
  2. Content Creation
  3. Site Structure
  4. Optimization
  5. Internal Linking
  6. Human Testing
  7. Submissions
  8. Link Building
  9. Monitoring
  10. The Extras

Step Seven - Website Submissions

While there are definitely more critical areas ofrepparttar 128093 website optimization process there is perhaps no area subject to as much misinformation and to such a vast audience. Here are some common misconceptions that are often believed about search engine submissions:

  1. You need to submit your website often to keep it indexed byrepparttar 128094 search engines
  2. You need to submit your website to thousands and thousands of search engines to get decent traffic
  3. Submitting your website often will keep you atrepparttar 128095 top ofrepparttar 128096 search engine rankings

These beliefs are all incorrect and those who can make a quick buck selling this disservice perpetrate them. If you have not recently received an email offering to "Submit Your Website To More Search Engines Than There Are Websites On The Internet For Just $19.95 Per Month!" then I can pretty much guarantee that you will inrepparttar 128097 not-too-distant future if your email can be found somewhere on your website.

An irony of this can be found in Google's webmaster area where they note:

Amazingly, we get these spam emails too:

"Dear google.com,

I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most ofrepparttar 128098 major search engines and directories..."

Reserverepparttar 128099 same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators.

Good advice as I'm sure Google has their website submissions taken care of. Just because you receive such an email, doesn't mean that you're missing out on anything. Let's first look at a breakdown of which engines are responsible for which traffic.

According to researchrepparttar 128100 major search engines are responsible forrepparttar 128101 following percentages of traffic as of June 2004:

Google - 41.6%

Yahoo - 31.5%

MSN - 27.4% (MSN draws their results from Yahoo!/Overture)

AOL - 13.6% (AOL draws their results from Google)

Ask Jeeves - 7.0%

Lycos - 3.7%

Netscape - 3.0% (Netscape draws their results from Google)

AltaVista - 2.7% (AltaVista drawsrepparttar 128102 Yahoo!/Overture)

Source: Neilson/Netratings Note: These numbers total over 100% as people may use multiple search engines if they don't findrepparttar 128103 information they are looking for atrepparttar 128104 first one they try.

So what does this tell us? This tells us thatrepparttar 128105 very vast majority of search engine traffic does not come from many thousands of search engines but rather, relatively few. This would lead torepparttar 128106 obvious questions, "Is it worth paying to be submitted to thousands of search engines?" The real answer, "No."

Then How Do I Submit My Own Website?

Automated search engine submission systems simply accessrepparttar 128107 existing and readily accessible "Add URL" pages ofrepparttar 128108 search engines and automatically submit your site. You can do this yourself simply by visitingrepparttar 128109 search engines and submitting through these same pages.

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