Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 4a: Site Optimization

Written by Dave Davies

Welcome to part four in this search engine positioning series. Last week we discussedrepparttar importance ofrepparttar 128094 structure of your website andrepparttar 128095 best practices for creating an easily spidered and easily read site. In part four we will discuss content optimization.

This is perhapsrepparttar 128096 single most important aspect of ranking your website highly onrepparttar 128097 search engines. While all ofrepparttar 128098 factors covered in this series will help get your website intorepparttar 128099 top positions, it is your content that will sell your product or service and it is your content thatrepparttar 128100 search engines will be reading when they take their "snapshot" of your site and determine where it should be placed in relation torepparttar 128101 other billions of pages onrepparttar 128102 Internet.

Over this series we will coverrepparttar 128103 ten key aspects to a solid search engine positioning campaign.

The Ten Steps We Will Go Through Are:

  1. Keyword Selection
  2. Content Creation
  3. Site Structure
  4. Optimization
  5. Internal Linking
  6. Human Testing
  7. Submissions
  8. Link Building
  9. Monitoring
  10. The Extras

Step Four – Content Optimization

There are aspects ofrepparttar 128104 optimization process that gain and lose importance. Content optimization is no exception to this. Throughrepparttar 128105 many algorithm changes that take place each year,repparttar 128106 weight given torepparttar 128107 content on your pages rises and falls. Currently incoming links appear to supply greater advantage than well-written and optimized content. So why are we taking an entire article in this series to focus onrepparttar 128108 content optimization?

The goal for anyone following this series is to build and optimize a website that will rank well onrepparttar 128109 major search engines and, more difficult and far more important, hold those rankings through changes inrepparttar 128110 search engine algorithms. While currently having a bunch of incoming links from high PageRank sites will do well for you on Google you must consider what will happen to your rankings whenrepparttar 128111 weight given to incoming links drops, or how your website fares on search engines other than Google that don't placerepparttar 128112 same emphasis on incoming links.

While there are many characteristics of your content that are inrepparttar 128113 algorithmic calculations, there are a few that consistently hold relatively high priority and thus will berepparttar 128114 focus of this article. These are:

  1. Heading Tags
  2. Special Text (bold, colored, etc.)
  3. Inline Text Links
  4. Keyword Density

Heading Tags

The heading tag (for those who don't already know) is code used to specify torepparttar 128115 visitor and torepparttar 128116 search engines whatrepparttar 128117 topic is of your page and/or subsections of it. You have 6 predefined heading tags to work with ranging from



By default these tags appear larger than standard text in a browser and are bold. These aspects can be adjusted usingrepparttar 128118 font tags or by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Choosing Keywords - The Truth about KEI

Written by George Manty

Choosing Keywords - The Truth about KEI

Choosing keywords that will bring extra traffic to your website is something that SEO experts are trained to do. There is a popular method of choosing keywords that invlovesrepparttar calculation of something called KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index). KEI was devised by Sumantra Roy, a Search Engine Positioning specialist from http://www.1stSearchRanking.net. KEI is a very helpful indicator, but in my opinion, it is slightly flawed.

The KEI is basically a comparison ofrepparttar 128093 number of times a search term is searched versusrepparttar 128094 number of search engine result pages that come up for that keyword phrase.

For example, let's say that you are developing a widget website. You want to sell lots of widgets. You do some research using *Overture's search term suggestion tool (http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/). You find out thatrepparttar 128095 following terms are searched a lot:

widget, red widget, blue widget, green widget, yellow widget.

You then go to *Yahoo and type inrepparttar 128096 search terms to see how many websites show up for each term and you come up withrepparttar 128097 following table: keyword phrase = widget # times searched = 10,000 # resulting pages = 1,000,000 KEI = 100

keyword phrase = red widget # times searched = 9,000 # resulting pages = 950,000 KEI = 85.26

keyword phrase = blue widget # times searched = 8,000 # resulting pages = 120,000 KEI = 533.33

keyword phrase = green widget # times searched = 7,900 # resulting pages = 900,000 KEI = 69.34

keyword phrase = yellow widget # times searched = 6,300 # resulting pages = 994,000 KEI = 39.93

According torepparttar 128098 KEI ratio,repparttar 128099 best keywords to choose are those with a high KEI (ie.repparttar 128100 most popular keywords, withrepparttar 128101 lowest competition). This is a basic law of supply and demand. Based onrepparttar 128102 chart above you might think,

"Ah ha! I should target blue widgets because it has a high KEI ratio."

The problem with this is that you are makingrepparttar 128103 assumption that a low quanity of competition is more important thanrepparttar 128104 quality ofrepparttar 128105 competition. This is a major FLAW. KEI does not factor inrepparttar 128106 QUALITY of competion onlyrepparttar 128107 quantity. I have come up with a simple method for determiningrepparttar 128108 quality of competition using *Google *Page Rank (although a better solution could be created based on backlinks of relevant sites).

This simple method is done by calculatingrepparttar 128109 average Page Rank forrepparttar 128110 first n resulting pages for a given keyword search (where n isrepparttar 128111 number of pages you want to be ranked in). So turning back torepparttar 128112 example above, let's say you want to be inrepparttar 128113 top 10 (n=10) search engine ranking for blue widgets. Go to your search engine of choice or use your tool of choice and type in blue widgets as your keyword. Then check each page's PageRank inrepparttar 128114 top ten results. Divide that number by 10. This calculates what I callrepparttar 128115 KPI (Keyword Page Rank Index). The formula looks like this:

(P1+P2+..+PN)/N (where n isrepparttar 128116 number of pages you are adding)

In my example above, let's look atrepparttar 128117 new results:

keyword phrase = widget # times searched = 10,000 # resulting pages = 1,000,000 KEI = 100 KPI = 7.5

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