Even in this day of websites, many customers want to look at a brochure or other form of hard copy. It's important therefore that your brochure tells
customer all they need to know. *It can be handed to
customer or used for direct mailing *It gives
customer much more detail *Confirms what you've discussed *Gives your business credibility and status *Can help break
ice before you meet
The elements of a successful brochure:
#1 It must have a call to action - You must ask
customer to do something after reading your brochure (particularly if you use it for mailing) - place an order - request more information - arrange an appointment.
Make them an offer they can't refuse - an early-bird discount - a special price - a never to be repeated offer. It needs to have a Free-phone number or a tear off coupon or an enclosed order form.
Remember - this is a sales document, its purpose is to get you more orders not just to fill peoples head with information.
#2 Think about
customer - Your brochure must talk in terms of
customer's interests - not yours. (Don't let your ego run away with you) It must explain how it solves
customer's problems and has benefits for him or her.
#3 Testimonials and endorsements - Include all
statements that other people have said about your product or service. They must be real statements giving
persons name and their organisation. People wont believe statements such as - "This service is second to none" - Sales Director
#4 Specialise - If you're targeting a particular market, your brochure needs to reassure
customer that you understand and have expertise in that market. You then need to give examples of how you've solved specific problems in that market.
#5 Make them want to read more - The front of your brochure must have a headline that grabs
customer and encourages them to read more. It needs to include a strong benefit or a way to solve a problem. For example - I might produce a headline for one of my brochures that says - "Customer Service Training for
Retail Industry" It would be far better if I went to
heart of
problem and used
headline - "How to stop customers walking out of your store and buying from one of your competitors."
Think about
problems that your customers face and how your product or service resolves them - then write your headline. The most powerful words you can use in a headline are - "How To". It immediately grabs
reader's attention if it's relevant to them. Other great words to use are - "Free" - "You" - "Secrets of" - "Discover" - "New" - "Announcing."