Ten Effective Ways To Reduce Your Business Costs

Written by Dan Brown

Business cost for everyone can get out of control very fast. Here's ten simple yet POWERFUL ways to reduce cost that can have a GREAT effect onrepparttar health of your business.

1. Barter If you have a business you should be bartering goods and services with other businesses. You should try to trade for something before you buy it. Barter deals usually require little or no money.

2. Network Try networking your business with other businesses. You could trade leads or mailing lists. This will cut down on your marketing and advertising costs. You may also try bartering goods and services with them.

3. Wholesale/Bulk You'll save money buying your business supplies in bulk quantities. You could get a membership at a wholesale warehouse or buy them through a mail order wholesaler. Buyrepparttar 116439 supplies you are always running out of.

4. Free Stuff You should try visitingrepparttar 116440 thousands of freebie sites onrepparttar 116441 internet before buying your business supplies. You can find free software, graphics, backgrounds, online business services etc.

5. Borrow/Rent Have you ever purchased business equipment you only needed for a small period of time? You could have just borrowedrepparttar 116442 equipment from someone else or rentedrepparttar 116443 equipment from a "rent-all" store.

Do I really need to write articles for e-zines?

Written by Mike Morris

When I was first advised to start writing articles, this wasrepparttar first question I asked. As I was totally freaked out atrepparttar 116438 thought of me writing for others to read. Many people subscribe to e-zines andrepparttar 116439 readers often trustrepparttar 116440 recommendation of their editors. By sending articles to e-zines you will get valued visitors to your web-site. For each article you get published by them,repparttar 116441 traffic to your website is increased. What is there to gain from publishing e-zine articles? Atrepparttar 116442 end of your article you can add a resource box. With this you can brand your web site, business and yourself. In it you could include your name, business name, web site address, e-mail address, anything really that brands your business. Become a GURU! By publishing regularly you will become known as an expert onrepparttar 116443 topics you write about. This gives you an advantage that helps you compete by giving you and your business extra credibility. Some articles are placed on a publisher’s home page. If each issue is placed on their home page you can gain extra exposure. If your publisher archives their e-zine, in other words stores back copies. This again gives you greater exposure; it is good forrepparttar 116444 sceptics in that they can read previous articles before makingrepparttar 116445 decision to subscribe.

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