Ten Career Tips to Share With Your Children (And you too!)

Written by Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Q. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" A. "Something that hasn't been invented yet."

Most of us were brought up to study hard, get good grades, choose a "practical" college major, and strive for a "good job."

Talk to a stranded midlife career-changer and you realizerepparttar game has changed. Yesterday's rules prepared us to be passengers on a large ocean liner that promised a smooth voyage. Today we realize that ocean liner turned out to berepparttar 101658 Titanic and we need to keep ourselves afloat on a small life raft if we want to survive.

Here are some tips to help your child learn not only to survive, but to thrive and grow in a chaotic world.

1. Fromrepparttar 101659 first day of kindergarten, encourage your child to build on strengths rather than focus on limitations.

Does she spend hours studying models of cars forrepparttar 101660 last twenty years? Maybe she'll become an auto mechanic -- or maybe she'll parlay her ability to classify detailed information into a career as a biologist or pharmacist.

2. Encourage your child to choose a field of study based on his or her natural abilities and passions, not "what will get me a job."

Claudia Kennedy,repparttar 101661 Army's first female three-star General, majored in philosophy. In her book Generally Speaking, she claims philosophy prepared her to become a top-level intelligence officer. Carly Fiorino, famed CEO of Hewlett-Packard, studied medieval history. And Michael Lewis, financial writer and best-selling author of Liars Poker, was an art history major.

3. Assure your children that few mistakes are fatal.

Did your child fail a course? Face rejection from a first-choice college? Most of us can't avoid an occasional failure, but we can learn bounce-back attitudes as soon as we can talk.

Yolanda Griffith, WNBA basketball star, dropped out of a premier program due to pregnancy. She returned to a lower-ranked college program, baby in tow, and now plays forrepparttar 101662 Sacramento Monarchs.

I once taught a student who had flunked out of junior college following a close call withrepparttar 101663 legal system. After a four-year stint inrepparttar 101664 US Navy, she returned to college, maintained a dean's list grade point average, and went on to a top law school.

From Discovery to Decision

Written by Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

"I just realized I have a talent for seeing patterns in random events and data. I can see how everything fits together while everyone around me remains confused." -- Hermione

"My job drives me crazy. I spend hours preparing a presentation and, whenrepparttar time comes,repparttar 101657 client wants to talk about something entirely different." -- Marvin

Hermione might enjoy many types of research or analysis -- anything from military intelligence to finance. She might be a planner -- anything from meetings to advertising strategy.

Marvin might prefer a structured environment, where he's rewarded for carrying out approved plans rather than showing initiative and spontaneity.

When clients say, "I've discovered a talent for..." or, "I have a strong need for..." I suggest they continue exploring options and opportunities. Talents and needs become part ofrepparttar 101658 checklist you construct to assess potential opportunities. They rarely allow you to make a firm decision. And often they act as red flags -- signaling what not to do, rather than offering direct guidance.

Hermione and Marvin need to see their new discoveries inrepparttar 101659 context ofrepparttar 101660 rest of their lives.

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