Ten Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Television

Written by Irene Revallio

Byrepparttar timerepparttar 142280 normal American teen has become eighteen years of age they would have spent about 25000 hours watching televison. This means they would have actually spent more time watching televison than learning inrepparttar 142281 class. The 1st TV add in history lasted twenty seconds and was for a timepiece made by a corporation called Bulova. This company also mass producedrepparttar 142282 first watch that went into space. The commercial was aired in July 1941 and went out during a game being played byrepparttar 142283 Brooklyn Dodgers andrepparttar 142284 Philadelphia Phillies. The well known spinning globe that is utilized byrepparttar 142285 NBC evening news program spent many years spinning inrepparttar 142286 incorrect direction. In 1984 this was eventually found and on January 2nd this was rectified and nowrepparttar 142287 globe is spinning as it should be. Way back in 1950 only 10 percent of US households had a television in their possession. By 1960 this had changed to a staggering 90 percent whilst in todays world it is 99 percent with fifty four percent of American children having one in their bedroom. Now more of us own televisions than we do a phone. The highest known annual earnings for a TV actor were given to U.S sit com actor Jerry Seinfeld.He was given an unbelievable $1000000 for each episode. The program lasted eight years and although this fee came into play in about 1997 this still makes Jerryrepparttar 142288 highest paid TV star so far. The highest ever fee paid to show a television advert was $2,000,000 per 30 seconds of time. This was paid by advertisers to show their adds duringrepparttar 142289 very last U.S screening ofrepparttar 142290 well loved comedy series friends. The show was aired by American TV company NBC on May 6 2004 and lasted for a whole hour.

3 Summer Computer Tips

Written by Sharron Senter

#1 – Summer Computer Travel Holiday travelers should be on alert when arriving home from long weekends, such asrepparttar Fourth of July, a popular time for computer viruses to spread.

Most computer users have a tendency to turn off their computers when away on trips, which means you’re not getting newly-released anti-virus patches or anti-spyware updates;repparttar 142173 two most common areas that cause computers problems. We recommend you update anti-virus and anti-spyware scans before opening e-mail or going online after an extended absence.

We consistently see an increase in calls for virus related problems immediately following long weekends. Avoidrepparttar 142174 problems altogether by updating your security software before using your computer. For a free listing of viruses, spyware threats and trends, visit: www.VisitingGeeks.com/downloads.htm

#2 -- Should You Leave Your Computer Running? One question we hear frequently is, "Should I leave my desktop computer on or turn it off?" There are 2 schools of thought… Turning it on and off numerous times duringrepparttar 142175 day subjectsrepparttar 142176 microcircuits to flexing and fatigue due to change in temperatures. Over time this could lead to a break inrepparttar 142177 circuitry and result in system failure.

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