Technology & Communication

Written by Robert F. Abbott

A study a couple of years ago found that 63% of executives were making fewer business trips because of technology.

Instead of a plane trip, face-to-face meetings and a plane trip back, they used email, videoconferencing, or online meetings, according torepparttar Accountemps study.

If you're a manager who's spending less time with a suitcase and more with a mouse, you'll want to pay attention torepparttar 143912 nature ofrepparttar 143913 media we use, and especially when sending important messages.

A few years ago we heard a lot about etiquette in electronic messaging (netiquette) onrepparttar 143914 Internet, about needing to be conscious of how messages might be misconstrued by receivers. One ofrepparttar 143915 ideas to come out of that effort was emoticons, little text symbols that aimed to make up forrepparttar 143916 loss of facial expressions and body language.

Emoticons and netiquette have pretty much disappeared, butrepparttar 143917 world of electronic communication still can be a dangerous place.

And especially dangerous ifrepparttar 143918 stakes are high, as they're likely to be when managers communicate this way. So, let's further explore some issues that arise when we communicate electronically, rather than face-to-face.

In my limited experience with videoconferencing, for example, I found I had to work harder just catchrepparttar 143919 words, which reducedrepparttar 143920 amount facial expression information I took in. And, ifrepparttar 143921 camera adjusted to take in more facial expressions, then some body language was lost.

Think, too, aboutrepparttar 143922 differences in messages sent by email versus those sent as conventional printed letters. Email certainly leads to faster responses and greater efficiency. However, when sending a printed letter we proofread it both onrepparttar 143923 screen and in print. And,repparttar 143924 time between our initial thoughts and sendingrepparttar 143925 letter is longer. That provides time for second thoughts, sober or otherwise, thoughts that might be wiser or better expressed.

Review on E Biller – The next generation call billing solution

Written by Arun Tibrewal

Review on E Biller  – The next generation call billing solution


The Telecom industry isrepparttar order ofrepparttar 143617 day in contemporary times replete with high – end networks, internet hooked PCs, telephones and of course mobile phones. The business of telecommunications has made all distances virtual and no business or communication is immune from this wonder ofrepparttar 143618 modern era.


The traditional low – key telecommunications market is being fast replaced byrepparttar 143619 new order Telecommunications wonder which is hallmarked byrepparttar 143620 convergence of information computing and telecom technologies.


The market has seen a perceptible shift from being traditionally ‘product driven’ torepparttar 143621 present day ‘customer driven’ conceptualization and one ofrepparttar 143622 pioneers onrepparttar 143623 comeback trail are none other than SIPL with their new – age business solutions.


The concept of call billing was accessible torepparttar 143624 sultans ofrepparttar 143625 telecommunications marketrepparttar 143626 major players. The smaller business enterprises now haverepparttar 143627 wonder ofrepparttar 143628 world of telecommunications throughrepparttar 143629 modality of flexible E- biller from none other than – SIPL, which was launched globally in August 2004.


January ofrepparttar 143630 year 2005 saw this wonder flexible E- biller generate data analysis like none other. The manna of all business enterprises globally - regardless of size and location.


E – biller repparttar 143631 futuristic billing concept is now a virtual reality from market leaders like SIPL. Whetherrepparttar 143632 need is E-invoices, or E-reports or even ifrepparttar 143633 ‘felt need’ is E – portfolio – E-biller has it all and all it needs is a one click log in at E- biller.


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