Teamware: Avoid the Ad Hoc Shuffle

Written by Joe Miller


Efforts are continually made to managerepparttar unavoidable ad hoc business process, but ad hoc processes do not necessarily mean a pile of messy, shuffled documents, at least not anymore. Teamware is software which tracks and managesrepparttar 141576 ad hoc business collaboration.

Look atrepparttar 141577 search engines to see just how many solutions similar to teamware are available to help businesses organize collaboration efforts. In most cases, collaboration and document tracking software are built around organized and established drafting processes. They enable filing and tracking of collaborative efforts in a structured collaboration environment.

Ad Hoc Business

The reality is thatrepparttar 141578 collaborative environment cannot always be structured. Flexibility is a necessity and ad hoc is a reality. Often, collaboration has to take place very quickly to meet deadlines. When that happens, what is left is a scattered set of emails, drafts, Word and Excel documents, and other changes saved in multiple locations. Teamware is software that manages ad hoc collaboration while workingrepparttar 141579 way businesses do.

Simple Installation

Businesses are budget-sensitive when it comes to new technologies. Often new technologies require an expensive IT infrastructure with an installation fee and service fees. Teamware provides simple software installation that eliminates those costs and saves time.


Business concerns about new technologies are valid, especially regarding questions of accessibility. For example, installing or downloading new software within a company network is cost-efficient and beneficial torepparttar 141580 entire company. But, because companies are not a self-sustaining entity, they need to know if new software will also benefit clients and investors.

Groupware: What Works the Way Businesses Do?

Written by Joe Miller


The internet is full of 1.5 million to 7 million indexed pages of groupware packages available onrepparttar market today. Every business needs groupware to control, manage, or track documents.

Groupware is similar to other systems that enable document management, often using a centralized system to work through business collaboration processes to create budgets, market reports, presentations, contracts, and countless other documents necessary to run a business.

Ad Hoc Collaboration

Often times, however, businesses do not, or cannot, follow an outlined document collaboration process. Deadlines near, clients change their minds, management changes their minds, information changes, and needs change. In searching for groupware that enables businesses to track collaborative documents, even in an ad hoc environment, businesses need to find groupware that worksrepparttar 141575 way businesses do.


In an ad hoc business environment, tracking your document versions can be a chaos. To meet deadlines, many documents are created. But, work is often hurried through, multiple drafts are saved on multiple drives, emails are shot back and forth, and changes are continually made. But whenrepparttar 141576 deadline arrives,repparttar 141577 document may barely be missing key parts because drafts and changes were difficult to track, drafts may be missing, nobody knowsrepparttar 141578 draft order, and nobody knows who maderepparttar 141579 suggested changes. Businesses need groupware that can handle ad hoc collaboration.

Businesses often have to put documents together ad hoc, butrepparttar 141580 end result doesn’t have to be a mess. In searching throughrepparttar 141581 groupware available, there are technologies to keep an eye out for which enable document tracking during hectic, ad hoc, document collaboration.

Digital Thread Technology

Groupware with Digital Thread Technology strings a digital thread through each draft of a document as it changes hands, even through email. An informational tag is inserted intorepparttar 141582 meta data ofrepparttar 141583 electronic document which acts as a genetic tracker forrepparttar 141584 document. Digital Thread works in conjunction with Digital Signature and Version History to displayrepparttar 141585 who, what, when, where, and how of a document.

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