Team Building Part 2 - Honesty is the Key!

Written by John Roberts

Team Building part 2 - Honesty isrepparttar Key !

The second in a series of 2 articles giving a slightly different viewpoint on effective team building, condensed from an original seminar presented byrepparttar 142129 author, John Roberts. John is a Freelance Training Consultant and director of JayrConsulting Ltd. Part 1 ( Another Brick inrepparttar 142130 Wall ) dealt with selecting and buildingrepparttar 142131 initial team. Part 2 deals withrepparttar 142132 culture that need to be in place to runrepparttar 142133 team really effectively. The ideas expressed are personal opinions built up from many years of experience inrepparttar 142134 Electronics/Aerospace industry,repparttar 142135 Armed Forces,repparttar 142136 Telecoms industry andrepparttar 142137 Training industry. There is no suggestion of this being a 100% solution applicable to or workable in all situations, but it is aimed at getting people to think outside ofrepparttar 142138 norm and questionrepparttar 142139 ‘normal' way of doing things.

1. Honesty - The Key ! It really is that simple! The basic foundation of building and running REALLY successful teams is TOTAL honesty! Sounds simple, but it can be one ofrepparttar 142140 hardest things to implement due to existing workplace cultures and peoples long-term conditioning to them. If you are not prepared to implement this culture change, you will only ever have functional ‘teams' that are purely paying ‘lip service' torepparttar 142141 whole idea of team building.

Being honest starts here! You cant pretend to be honest, or only implement some parts of it, either as a team member or as a team leader. If you are not going to give it 100% - Give it up, becauserepparttar 142142 rest depends on this to work properly!

There are two separate parts to honesty withinrepparttar 142143 team scenario and both are equally important:

(a)Being honest with other people You have to learn to be honest with everyone. If someone is not performing properly-Tell them as soon as possible, and help them to overcomerepparttar 142144 cause. If someone is performing well-Tell them as soon as possible, and help them to do even better. If there is good news aboutrepparttar 142145 project/team/company-Tell people as soon as possible, without hiding things and deliver praise where appropriate. If there is BAD news aboutrepparttar 142146 project/team/company-Tell people as soon as possible, without hiding things and discuss what can be done about it at a team and personal level-ask for input and ideas to resolve things. Most people can handle most situations well, as long as they feel they are being kept informed and involved. Make sure that you are doing your share ofrepparttar 142147 teams work, torepparttar 142148 best of your ability. Ifrepparttar 142149 team are having to cover for you, you are not being honest with them. If you make a mistake- admit to it, as soon as possible and if necessary get help to resolve it. If you try and hide your mistakes you are not being honest and it just leads to more work for others inrepparttar 142150 long run. Don't perpetuate rumours! It is one ofrepparttar 142151 fastest ways to break down trust in a team culture. If you don't know something is a fact-don't repeat it!

(b)Being honest with yourself For a lot of people this can actually be extremely difficult to achieve, due to long term conditioning in a competitive work place, but once started it tends to build on itself as long as everyone is really committed to long-term success ofrepparttar 142152 team building process. You have to really look at yourself deeply and honestly and work at correcting your individual behaviour patterns and shortcomings. If you can't cope with something-tell someone and get some help with it. No one is perfect and we all need help sometimes. In a good team environment, nobody is going to think less of you for requesting help-justrepparttar 142153 opposite if it helps to get things done. Be honest about your skills and abilities starting with your c.v. !). If not you will be found out eventually, but by that time, you may have let a lot of other people down! Don't steal credit/ideas from other people and put them forward as your own. Any gain for you is only short term and it is one ofrepparttar 142154 quickest ways of destroying trust amongst your team. Question your commitment and work ethos continually-Are you really giving 100% effort allrepparttar 142155 time? If not-why not -do you need to seek help or are you just being lazy? Don't lie! It's infectious in a team environment. If you want a day off- take a leave day-don't keep re-burying your grandmother! Admit when you are wrong in a discussion-and apologise! Don't moan and grumble about work - if you don't like being there -Leave!

2. Communication Communication is one ofrepparttar 142156 most important factors in successful teams. To be effective it must be continuous and completely OPEN - both between team members and betweenrepparttar 142157 team leader and their team. There should be no secrets. The team need to know how they are affected by corporate plans and decisions. Members need to know if they are doing things correctly. The team leader needs to know if their team members have any ideas or problems that should be acted upon. People respond better if they knowrepparttar 142158 facts - even to bad news! (I had a team where they all volunteered to take a 10% pay cut to save a team member from redundancy, whenrepparttar 142159 financial figures were explained to them openly!)

This DOESN'T mean that you need to have interminable ‘formal' team meetings! People should be encouraged to talk to each other and torepparttar 142160 team leader all ofrepparttar 142161 time. A good team leader will set aside time every day, (YES, you can do it, if you are organised!), purely to get around and talk to their team. The better your communication is,repparttar 142162 less meetings you will need to have! 3. Trust Trust between team members and betweenrepparttar 142163 team and team leader MUST be absolute. If you don't trust people to get on and do their job - why are they in your team? If you trust people to do a job, you have to relinquish power to them to make their own decisions - and they have to be responsible for those decisions! Team members must have trust inrepparttar 142164 team leader - that they have their best interests at heart and are working for team rather than individual success. Inrepparttar 142165 ultimate team, people have to depend on each other for their lives - that can only be done with trust in your fellow team members.

How to Get The Best Accounting Software For Your Small Business

Written by Ryan Hough

Buying accounting software is a major investment. It's an important decision and you need to be sure of allrepparttar facts before you buy.

You certainly wouldn't want to get accounting software and then find a few months later thatrepparttar 142128 software can't handle your growing business.

You also don't want to be fooled into buying low priced software and then finding out that you have to make multiple upgrades to get it torepparttar 142129 level you need to effectively run your business.

And worst of all you don't want to get software with little or no support.

Our research lead us to a website that has compared some ofrepparttar 142130 most popular small business accounting packages released in 2005.

Software Prices

The cheapest software cost US $89.99 andrepparttar 142131 most expensive software cost US $1,499. It was interesting to note thatrepparttar 142132 top 3 ranked websites were notrepparttar 142133 most expensive and cost between US $250 - US $300.

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