Tax Reduction Tips

Written by Richard A. Chapo

Inrepparttar rush to get tax returns prepared and filed by April 15th, many overpay their taxes. Following are a few tax reduction tips that could help you save a bundle.

Tax Credit For Starting A Small Business Pension Plan

Establishing a pension plan can help you retain important employees. What many business owners don’t realize is a tax credit can be claimed ifrepparttar 111861 business has 100 or fewer employees. Meet this requirement and you can take a tax credit of up to $500 in each ofrepparttar 111862 first three years ofrepparttar 111863 plan. Tax credits are extremely valuable because they are deducted directly fromrepparttar 111864 taxes you owe, not gross revenues.

The credit is 50% of certain start up costs you incur in each ofrepparttar 111865 first three years. The costs includerepparttar 111866 expenses incurred in establishing and maintainingrepparttar 111867 plan. They also includerepparttar 111868 cost of any educational retirement planning programs you provide for employees.

For example, first assume that you spent $1,500 starting a pension plan for your employees in 2004. Next assume that you will spend $1,200 in both 2005 and 2006 for maintaining repparttar 111869 program and educating your employees. In this scenario, you would be eligible to claim a tax credit of $500 in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Personal Loans To Business

Many business owners lose track of loans they make to their business. As a result, they incorrectly classifyrepparttar 111870 proceeds ofrepparttar 111871 loan as part of their gross revenues. This artificially raisesrepparttar 111872 gross revenues ofrepparttar 111873 business and adds torepparttar 111874 tax liability. Closely review your records for 2004 to make sure you are not making this mistake. Pay particular attention to charges on personal credit cards. You will be surprised how quicklyrepparttar 111875 numbers add up.

SUV Deduction Wounded, But Still Alive

Much has been made aboutrepparttar 111876 “SUV Tax Deduction” that allowed purchasers of SUVs over 6,000 pounds to immediately deduct up to $100,000 ofrepparttar 111877 cost. Many mistakenly believe thatrepparttar 111878 American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 eliminated this deduction. It did not. Instead, it reducedrepparttar 111879 deduction to $25,000 withrepparttar 111880 remaining amount allocated to depreciation. This is still a significant immediate deduction. If you purchased a non-SUV truck that weighed over 6,000 pounds in 2004, you are not restricted to a “mere” $25,000 deduction.

What Is A Payment Protection Plan?

Written by John Mussi

A Payment Protection Plan is an insurance cover you would normally take out when you apply for a loan in order to have peace of mind because no matter how healthy you feel today, nobody knows what lies roundrepparttar corner tomorrow. Nobody is immune from unemployment or illness, which is why Payment Protection Plans are offered as a means of protecting loan payments.

Payment Protection Plan cover can be added to your loan giving you peace of mind and security of knowing that - inrepparttar 111860 event of any unforeseen circumstances - your financial commitments are protected.

Each month you will be asked to make a small additional insurance payment. This extra payment will be included with your loan repayment. This small amount paid will ensure that if you lost your job, became ill, or unexpectedly pass away your loan repayments will be paid for you. Ifrepparttar 111861 unthinkable happens and you die before your loan has been fully repaid rest assured thatrepparttar 111862 Payment Protection Plan will coverrepparttar 111863 outstanding balance of your loan. Your family will not be left to repay it for you.

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