Tarot Basics

Written by Lisa Lamont

A Tarot card deck typically consists of 78 colorful cards imprinted with what many deem fascinating and curious images. The cards, each filled with a particular meaning and portent, most often come somewhat larger than ordinary playing cards and make an impressive display when ritually laid out. This deck of special cards can be used by a trained “reader” for glimpsing into his or her own future or that of another person for whomrepparttar cards are read. The Tarot deck, divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, contains 22 symbolic cards and 56 suit cards – wands, swords, cups, and pentacles – interestingly also called “pip” cards.

Many types and styles of Tarot cards exist, and a breakdown of evenrepparttar 122140 more common Tarot card deck reads like a mysterious journey intorepparttar 122141 occult – and perhaps it is! The Major Arcana includesrepparttar 122142 magician, high priestess, empress, emperor, hierophant (a sage or wise man), lovers, chariot, strength, hermit, wheel, justice, hanged man, death, temperance, devil, tower, star, moon, sun, judgment, world. The Minor Arcana (the suits) consists ofrepparttar 122143 aces, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens, court cards, pages, knights, queens, and kings – all inrepparttar 122144 above-mentioned suits.

The key to successfully readingrepparttar 122145 Tarot deck, however, does not lie only in whatrepparttar 122146 cards mean, but in how to interpret them. A gifted Tarot reader can sometimes create a huge following by accurately predictingrepparttar 122147 futures of friends, family – even strangers who call on him or her for a reading.

“Tarot” comes fromrepparttar 122148 Italian word "Tarocchi,” a French card game originally termed “carte da trionfi” – “cards with trumps.” It has been theorized thatrepparttar 122149 name was shortened from “Tarocchi” to “Taro” and thus evolved over time into “Tarot” byrepparttar 122150 French. The definition of Tarot goes hand in hand withrepparttar 122151 origin ofrepparttar 122152 name because Tarot is considered to be a tool of divination by believers, andrepparttar 122153 roots ofrepparttar 122154 name explain, in part, how this came to be so, though we may never knowrepparttar 122155 complete story, since its complete origins have been lost inrepparttar 122156 passage of time.

I Drank Tea in December

Written by Arthur Zulu

The two writers laughed aloud as I endedrepparttar story. Not that it wasrepparttar 122139 kind of thing that one likes to hear inrepparttar 122140 morning. Some would quickly go on their knees and pray thatrepparttar 122141 “cup” passes next door. But pray as they might, it is a “cup” that we all must drink from.

By cup, I am not referring torepparttar 122142 cups of tea in our hands that we now resumed to enjoy after telling themrepparttar 122143 story. DD Phil,repparttar 122144 romance writer whorepparttar 122145 ladies like to call Filemon, with a stress onrepparttar 122146 last syllable, was looking dreamily. Sitting with his right hand supporting his chin, his left onrepparttar 122147 chair, andrepparttar 122148 suspended tea cup onrepparttar 122149 table, one would have thought that he was plotting a scene in his next fantasy novel.

Of course,repparttar 122150 story that I was telling them was more fantasy than real. What is real again in this world? For Val Krepparttar 122151 poet, sitting with allrepparttar 122152 cares in this world—his legs wide apart asrepparttar 122153 poles—everything (and that includes life) is poetry. It is no wonder that someone says, “Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways.”

Whetherrepparttar 122154 story was a comedy or a tragedy is another matter. But it was a story about life. And whether life stories are sweet or bitter is for you to judge. Look atrepparttar 122155 verdict of these people.

A chief of King Edwin says: “The present life of man is like a sparrow.” Apostle James, a Bible writer, calls it “a mist that appears for a while and then disappears.”

Butrepparttar 122156 story was more about equivocations—double tongues. And is life not a tale of equivocations? So, after I finishedrepparttar 122157 story, we resumed our tea drinking and comparedrepparttar 122158 story with other equivocal tales.

The first to come to mind was King Croesus who went to consultrepparttar 122159 oracle before embarking on a major military expedition. He was assured that if he went to war, a mighty empire would fall. He believed and went to do battle. Butrepparttar 122160 empire that fell was his!

And then there was Macbeth who was thoroughly deceived byrepparttar 122161 witches. He didn’t think that tress “move” and he never believed that there was any man not “born” of a woman. But he was dead wrong. Equivocation did both people in.

The best of such double tongues, however, was that ofrepparttar 122162 great hinter who was warned that he was to be killed by an animal on a certain day. Sorepparttar 122163 finicky hunter refused to step intorepparttar 122164 bush on that day. But lying in his room,repparttar 122165 head of onerepparttar 122166 animals that he had killed which he had suspended on a rafter, got loose and landed a death-blow on his head!

When I gotrepparttar 122167 message to proceed torepparttar 122168 country with God speed, however,repparttar 122169 first thing that came to my mind was not a word that began with letter E. And thenrepparttar 122170 message became more incessant: You must come home in December. I refusedrepparttar 122171 invitation. Yet, my people sent an emissary who spoiltrepparttar 122172 case for not explaining why I was wanted back home. So I tarried inrepparttar 122173 city, waiting forrepparttar 122174 war ofrepparttar 122175 cyclpos.

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