Taming Headaches Naturally

Written by Neva J Howell

If you’re alive, you’ve probably had a headache at least once in your life. Headaches seem to be a universal thing. You most probably have experienced a tension headache, from stress, orrepparttar kind of intense but fleeting headache that comes from eating something cold too fast. However, did you know that there are at least 18 different causes of headaches?

We can get headaches from caffeine, indigestion, stress, alcohol, food allergies (MSG is a big culprit here and is disguised in many ofrepparttar 114213 foods we eat), eyestrain, fever, over-exertion, dehydration, hunger, hypertension, sinuses, menstrual problems, TMJ, muscle tension, allergic reaction to perfumes, cleaning products, car fumes, etc., infected teeth, oral contraceptives, improperly fitting eyeglasses, outdated eyeglass or contact prescriptions, or an injury torepparttar 114214 head.

Additionally, headache can come from congestion or imbalance in other parts ofrepparttar 114215 body. For example, headaches atrepparttar 114216 temple may be related to TMJ, or temporal mandibular joint disfunction.

Ifrepparttar 114217 pain runs fromrepparttar 114218 left shoulder up overrepparttar 114219 cranium torepparttar 114220 left eye, gall bladder congestion may be a factor whereas liver congestion will sometimes manifest in headaches inrepparttar 114221 crown area.

Another form of congestion or imbalance inrepparttar 114222 body that can cause headaches, along with a host of other problems over time, is an overly acidic ph level.

And yet another cause of headaches - menopause. I didn't know this til I became perimenopausal myself and started reading posts on a menopause message board. Though this is one symptom I haven't yet experienced, it is apparently quite common in menopausal women.

As a wellness counselor, one ofrepparttar 114223 first things I like to know regardless ofrepparttar 114224 type of health challenge is how regular elimination is for that person. Constipation can definitely cause headaches, along with a host of other problems over time. If you are not having two to three regular bowel movements per day, you are constipated.

I’d like to briefly discussrepparttar 114225 most common type, tension headaches, and suggest some ways of working to manage tension headaches holistically. However, whenever frequent and unexplained headaches occur, it is always wise to seek medical attention, to rule out any underlying physical problem. Also, if you are under a doctor’s care for any known condition, you should always check with your chosen healthcare professional before adding anything new to your daily regimen. It is my hope that you have chosen a natural medicines practitioner or a doctor willing to work with one to findrepparttar 114226 right combination of natural and allopathic options for your optimal health.

Tension headaches can be caused by quite a few things, most of them stress-related. Physical, mental or emotional stress can cause a tension headache. Poor posture, for example, is one physical factor. Emotional stress, unresolved anger, worry and anxiety, depression and resistance to change can also trigger a tension headache. In addition, some food allergies can cause them. Rhythmic and relaxing movement, such as Qigong may prove beneficial.

One note on food allergies: inrepparttar 114227 eyes of an enzyme therapist, a food allergy is simply a food your body does not have sufficient enzyme capacity to assimilate. I am a firm believer in enzyme therapy for helpingrepparttar 114228 body correct food allergies naturally.

So what can we do about tension headaches? Well,repparttar 114229 number one suggestion I have is STRESS REDUCTION, whatever it takes. The truth is that a lot of us, in today’s fast paced world have become so accustomed to living in stress that we don’t even realize when it has become damaging to our system. So, in order to reduce it, we first have to become more aware of it’s effect. We do this simply by noticing our body.

Breathing is effected by stress so stop right now and see how you are breathing. If your breath is short and shallow or kind of “catches” at any point inrepparttar 114230 in/out cycle, you are stressed. Your breathing should be slow, rhythmic and deep. If you are continually breathing in a shallow way, you are not getting enough oxygen to your body and this can cause a headache, along with all kinds of little problems that, over time, can become big problems for you sytem.

Another way to begin to noticerepparttar 114231 effects of stress is to pay more attention to your physical body when you are in a “more than normal” stress situation. Some things you may notice: a tightening ofrepparttar 114232 muscles inrepparttar 114233 solar plexus area, a constriction torepparttar 114234 throat, changes in your heartbeat or an increase in pulse, muscle pain or spasm, and even momentary blurred vision or dizziness. When we are so focused on what is causingrepparttar 114235 stress, we can will ourselves not to notice what it is doing to our bodies. However,repparttar 114236 good news is that we can also will ourselves to begin to notice.

Computer Stress and How To Deal With It

Written by Trevor Dumbleton

Of allrepparttar forms of stress in today's world, computer stress isrepparttar 114212 one that is onrepparttar 114213 riserepparttar 114214 fastest. Computers are wonderful machines, but they can also stress out workers by their sometimes confusing demands, their constant presence and their simple inability to work properly. Thus, computer stress must be understood and it must find an outlet or computer users will find themselves even more stressed out than they already are.

The first thing to remember about computers is that they are machines. They do not have feelings, they do not respond to emotional appeals, they only do what they are told to do; nothing more and nothing less. Thus, you need to remember that just about anything that your computer does is probably something you told it to do. Sure, you may not have wanted to tell it to do something, but you toldrepparttar 114215 computer to do it and that's all it knows. You can save yourself a lot of computer stress by keeping this in mind.

The next thing you need to know in order to avoid computer stress is that computers are machines and, therefore, they will break down. That means that you need to keep backup copies of everything important. If you absolutely need a file, keep a copy on a floppy disk or on a CD. Hard drives are well known to just give out after a while (the average lifetime is about 4-5 years) and therefore you need to keep backups of everything you want to keep. If it's important enough that you want a copy, it's important enough to keep a backup copy. The sooner you remember to keep your computer's failing in mind,repparttar 114216 more stress free you will be.

Third, you need to protect your computer. Onrepparttar 114217 most basic level, that means a surge protector. A power surge can quickly fryrepparttar 114218 delicate insides of a computer and suddenly realizing that you need a new computer is just aboutrepparttar 114219 worst computer stress of all.

As well, you need to protect your computer from outside interference. If your computer is hooked up torepparttar 114220 Internet, protect it with a network firewall and anti-virus software. There are plenty of malicious hackers out there and they tend to enjoy watching people panic about their computers suddenly dying. These hackers write viruses and worms that can infect your machine and delete important files or send out malicious emails all on their own. You do not want to have your computer taken over like this. Save yourself from this sort of computer stress by keeping your system and your files secure from outside attackers.

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