Tame the Interruption Beast

Written by Dave Balch

Interruptions. Arghhh. One ofrepparttar biggest problems for us home-based business types isrepparttar 117623 relentless stream of things that disrupt our train of thought. Unexpected phone calls, children that need attention,repparttar 117624 dog needs to go out,repparttar 117625 cat needs to come in,repparttar 117626 sink is leaking,repparttar 117627 car needs to go torepparttar 117628 shop... it never ends!

It is extremely frustrating to be inrepparttar 117629 middle of an important letter or proposal, deep in thought, only to have Aunt Bertha call to tell you about her bunions. What to do? Aunt Bertha's bunions are important! (To her.) Some interruptions can be eliminated, some can be controlled, and some, well........ sorry, FedEx just got here and needed a signature... where was I? Oh yes; and there are some interruptions you've just got to live with.

Let's start with interruptions that can be eliminated: phone calls. Turningrepparttar 117630 phone completely off is always an option; letrepparttar 117631 answering machine get it. That's not always practical, though; we do want to talk to our customers, don't we? Well, I have two words for you: "Caller ID". This is a wonderful service provided byrepparttar 117632 phone company for a small monthly fee that, whenrepparttar 117633 phone rings, displays information aboutrepparttar 117634 caller on a little gizmo that you can get at Radio Shack for under $20. (And, there's no interruption for installation: they do it from their office!)

Bingo! Now you know who's calling before you answerrepparttar 117635 phone and you can make an intelligent decision whether or not to answer it. If it's Aunt Bertha, letrepparttar 117636 machine get it and call her back later when it's convenient for you. You now have power overrepparttar 117637 phone, and it is good. The interruption has been reduced to looking to see who it is.

Do You Have a Dream?

Written by Gary E. Layton

I have some very important questions I wish to ask you. DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? Is this Dream connected with somehow improving your personal situation or gaining something in your life?

Maybe you just have a feeling lurking around in your head that something is missing and someday you will find it. Maybe you have not articulated these feelings torepparttar point where anything concrete has formed and you really don’t know what it is that is bothering you. If this isrepparttar 117622 case my friend you need a Dream to set you onrepparttar 117623 path to some type of realization and meaning.

Nothing is ever accomplished without a Dream concerning finding something we do not yet possess. I don’t care what it is or what you are looking for. Without a Dream to follow, you will never get beyondrepparttar 117624 point where you are right now.

Some people say that Dreams are worthless and not practical so don’t waste your time. Well most good things in our modern life came about because someone had a Dream and worked at it until it became a reality. The automobile,repparttar 117625 telephone, electricity, airplanes, computers and almost everything else we now think we cannot do without. These things did not happen due to luck or anything else but a person’s dream andrepparttar 117626 work to make it a reality.

Every one of us wants something. We want to be a better person; a more popular person; a thinner person; a better job, wealth and all that can bring, or maybe something simple like a new house or new car. It does not matter what it is but you must really want it, dream about it and takerepparttar 117627 action necessary to achieve it. Dreams are for everyone at any age, social standing, economic standing, race or creed. Dreams are for everyone with imagination enough to visualizerepparttar 117628 object of that dream.

Daydreaming or wishful thinking just don’t cut it. Daydreaming or wishful thinking, while being fun, are not productive except forrepparttar 117629 entertainment value you may realize from pleasant speculation. A real Dream can bring pleasure that’s for sure, however, achieving that Dream involves a lot more than just thinking about it.

To be meaningfulrepparttar 117630 Dream must be achievable and over a reasonable length of time. If is not attainable it is then just wishful thinking and a sure way to become frustrated and more dissatisfied than you are right now.

So how does one build a Dream? Well, first of all you must examine where you are in life and what it is about your situation that does not please you. What is it you need to achieve to make your life better or more fulfilling? Now if it is a whole bunch of material things what you are really talking about isrepparttar 117631 money needed to obtain those things and unless you are an heir to a very rich relative you are pretty much betweenrepparttar 117632 rock andrepparttar 117633 hard place. It is one thing to dream about wealth and another thing to achieve it.

OK, let’s say for arguments sake that personal wealth is your Dream. How high are you setting your sights? What does personal wealth mean to you? How much is enough? What are you willing to do to gain that personal wealth? How hard are you willing to work to attain that wealth? Do you need help from others?

How can you get that help? How much actual time do you have available to you to work for your Dream?

Do you haverepparttar 117634 basic finances needed to support your activities in pursuingrepparttar 117635 Dream? Lots and lots of questions to be answered right? Yes, and these questions andrepparttar 117636 answers you develop will help you setrepparttar 117637 parameters of your Dream.

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