Talking To The Dead

Written by Tim Mack

If you're a type that may have bad dreams then please don't read this story. For this is not about make believe, but rather this is aboutrepparttar living dead.

I would have ran for my life if only I had realized that I was talking to a dead person. Because such a thing happening was so unexpected, I just never imagined thatrepparttar 109802 person could have been dead when I was talking to her.

It all started out as a normal Friday night. I was a young teen and love and spring were both inrepparttar 109803 air. My girlfriend wanted to go onrepparttar 109804 Roller Coaster, so I waited on her stoop as she made all those preparations that females make even when they're going on a Roller Coaster ride.

Few males will ever understand what it is that woman do to themselve's that takes them so long to pretty themselve's up, butrepparttar 109805 wiser male ofrepparttar 109806 species soon learns that time is better spent waiting on his Ladies stoop and chatting withrepparttar 109807 entire neighborhood rather than sitting on her sofa with no one to killrepparttar 109808 time with.

I looked down to light a cigarrete and suddenly there was a woman before my eyes that seemed to come out of no where.

"Will you break my door down for me,?" she asked.

"Wouldn't it be smarter to call a locksmith,?" I replied.

"You don't understand. I've been wearing these same clothes for three years now and I need to get into my apartment to change what I'm wearing," she said.

Bet with the streak, or not at all

Written by Shawn Tinling

Have you ever been drawn to a roulette table because ofrepparttar display board? The one that says black has come up 6 times in a row? Ever haverepparttar 109801 urge to put your money onrepparttar 109802 table in that situation? If so, what do you do?

Bet red, because it's due to hit this time!

That answer, while it is a very popular one, is absolutely wrong! You should always bet withrepparttar 109803 streak, or not at all.

Betting red in this situation is wrong for two reasons. The first reason's mathematical: no matter how many times a color comes up in roulette, there's still (roughly) a 50/50 chance that red or black will come up onrepparttar 109804 next spin. It doesn't matter if black came up 5 times in a row, 500 times in a row or 5 million times in a row. Every spin in roulette is an independent event; what happened before or afterrepparttar 109805 spin doesn't changerepparttar 109806 probability of a certain outcome. The idea that an event can become 'due' over time is known as 'the gambler's fallacy', and has contributed torepparttar 109807 demise of many a player's bankroll.

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