Talk To Your Teen

Written by Cori Sachais Swidorsky

One ofrepparttar hardest parts of life is growing up. Teenagers are faced with decision-making, responsibility, and choices, everything adults have to face on a daily basis. Life gets overwhelming at times and we all need someone to depend on. Who better to depend on for support, then a parent?

I can remember when I was a teenager. I played sports, had a lot of friends, but I also felt depressed at times, experimented with alcohol, and struggled to keep my grades up. I had a hard time trusting people; I thought no one understood me. I often wonder how different my teen years would have been like if I was reached out to more. What if I was talked to and not at?

Communication is key in any relationship.

Safe Splashing: Basic Water Safety for Families

Written by Sherri Allen

One ofrepparttar best things about summer is enjoying outdoor activities with your family. Adding water to those activities increasesrepparttar 148678 fun, but it increasesrepparttar 148679 danger, too. Fortunately, you and your family can safely enjoy your time atrepparttar 148680 pool, lake and beach if you practice some basic rules of water safety.

Experts fromrepparttar 148681 American Red Cross remind you to follow these safety tips to protect your family and keep them safe in or aroundrepparttar 148682 water:

1. Learn to swim and swim well. One ofrepparttar 148683 best things anyone can do to stay safe in and aroundrepparttar 148684 water is learn to swim. No one, including adults, should ever swim alone. Adults should practice "reach supervision" which means to be within arm's length of a child in case an emergency occurs.

2. Outfit everyone withrepparttar 148685 proper gear. Kids -- and even adults -- who are not strong swimmers should use U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices (PFDs) whenever they are in or aroundrepparttar 148686 water. This lifesaving lightweight plastic equipment when used properly can help save lives. Everyone, including strong swimmers, should use an approved PFD when boating. Each person should haverepparttar 148687 appropriate PFD for his or her weight and size, which is found clearly marked insiderepparttar 148688 label nearrepparttar 148689 Coast Guard stamp.

A great idea is to make a family day out of learningrepparttar 148690 rules of water safety and shopping for durable safety equipment together at a local pool supply store or mass distributor.

3. Always keep basic lifesaving equipment byrepparttar 148691 residential pool and know how to use it. A first aid kit, cordless phone, phone list with emergency contact information, a reaching pole and a ring buoy with a nylon line attached are recommended. Cordless phones allow you to make that 911 call and to receive calls without leavingrepparttar 148692 area.

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