Taking a Leap of Faith

Written by Robert Thompson

Taking a Leap of Faith

Many times each month, I hear from folks on my affiliate team or read posts on different business forums dealing withrepparttar subject of spending money. Many of these folks are concerned that they don't have any extra money to invest in their businesses, and want to do everything for free. You might even say, that investing money in any business requires a leap of faith. For those who are new torepparttar 103528 business world, I giverepparttar 103529 following piece of advice. Whether you are involved in affiliate marketing, or own a brick and mortar operation,repparttar 103530 advice applies equally.

There are only three things that you can spend when it comes to generating a profit in any business.

1. Time - It may seem free, but if you think about it, it is one ofrepparttar 103531 most expensive things that you can spend on a business. Just considerrepparttar 103532 amount of time that it takes to produce a newsletter. If I had to send them individually, even cutting and pastingrepparttar 103533 completed product into an email and sending it. It would take many days of hard work to get it out to every member of my team (about 550 letters). Time is money, so therefore, I use an autoresponder to sendrepparttar 103534 letters out to everybody in just a few minutes. Imagine how much time this would save if there wer several thousand members on my mailing list.

2. Effort - As you can see fromrepparttar 103535 above paragraph, I spend quite a bit of effort in order to share information with my team each month. But, lets look at another example of effort.

One ofrepparttar 103536 first marketing methods that I used to build my business was free advertising. If you have looked into this method, or tried it, you are painfully aware ofrepparttar 103537 amount of work that goes into creating a series of ads, finding places to show them, sorting throughrepparttar 103538 tons of junk mail that result from these ads, and trying to track and duplicate your efforts in an ever changing marketplace. This method works, but it is vey labor intensive.

All of this inrepparttar 103539 name of trying to save a few dollars and do something for free!

3. Money - This is something that is probably in short supply for many new folks, but if used wisely, it can save an incredible amount of TIME, a ton of EFFORT, and increase your chances of earning a large PROFIT in a short period. I spend only a few dollars on my autoresponder, but it saves me hundreds of hours each month. Not to mention, it comes with an affiliate program, and pays for itself in commissions each month AND returns a small profit!

10 Ways to Increase Your Traffic And Sales with eBooks

Written by Diana Barnum

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: diana@ohiohelp.net

10 Ways to Increase Your Traffic And Sales With eBooks

Wouldn’t it be great to boost your income? Here are some quick tips to bring more visitors to your website – and increase sales opportunities.

1. Offer goodies! People love to get free stuff. And a free eBook is perfect. Add some to your site and visitors will drop by to get your free valuable information. For free ones and new monthly ebooks to freshen up your site, learn from and sell, check outrepparttar 103527 wholesale site at http://presssuccess.com/wholesale

2. Give awayrepparttar 103528 full version of your eBook in exchange for testimonials. You can use these customer statements to improve your effectiveness.

3. Spruce up your credentials. When you write and give away a free eBook, you will become known as an expert. This will help people to trust you and try your main product or service quicker.

4. Publish your web site in eBook format. Putrepparttar 103529 eBook on a disk or CD-ROM then include it with your direct mail packages. This can increaserepparttar 103530 number of people who buy your product or service.

5. Offer your eBook as a free bonus for buying one of your main products or services. People will buyrepparttar 103531 product or service more often when you offer a free bonus. For more monthly eBooks to offer as well as hosting, help and a whole lot more, check out a membership site like http://presssuccess.com/PushButton

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