Taking PreCautions: Lessons on Protection Strategies for the 21st Century from Genuine Bussey Sty

Written by Robert Bussey

"What is defense? It is a countermeasure to aggression, an act of protection from danger". -Robert Anthony Bussey

More than ever, women are afraid for their safety and are taking measures to conquer their fears againstrepparttar mounting problem of abuse and hostile threat. For over a quarter of a century, I've hadrepparttar 130919 privilege of helping thousands of women to feel empowered by learning personal protection skills. In that time, I've been exposed to countless first hand accounts of some very emotional stories of violence, distress, rape, and life threatening survival. To look intorepparttar 130920 eyes of a person who's been victimized reminds me all too well ofrepparttar 130921 awesome responsibility that every expert has to share only those methods that could guide an individual from a potentially brutal situation to a place of physical and emotional safety. To feel prepared and safe requires some work.

For females especially, training should encompass more than vital combat strategies, to include danger awareness skills and a devotion to safeguards. I am a strong advocate of programmingrepparttar 130922 kinds of responses that deflect any possibility of physical contact. This isrepparttar 130923 best way to prevent injury andrepparttar 130924 most important skill a person can learn to remain free from harm. There are just too many dangers and variables in combat. "PreCautions", a Genuine Bussey Style protection program for women was titled as such because its name reflects my determination to limitrepparttar 130925 arena of hands-on conflict. Of course, we all know that there are no guarantees that violence won't occur; therefore, protective tools must be in place. These tools need to be effective, direct, and immediately useful orrepparttar 130926 victim runsrepparttar 130927 risk of making things worse by trying to defend herself with techniques that won't hold up. In its truest form, fighting is not secret, nor particularly complex.

I would like to share some thoughts, which come from our "Principals of Protection Intelligence for Women". When I formulated them, I asked myself what was really important for ladies to know before introducing them to actual defensive tactics. What would I say to my daughter or loved one about building a foundation that made sense and was easy to apply and remember? These are a few of them:

Violent crime is everywhere, happening every minute. It's random, and it can happen to you. The world is a violent shelling that can change life in an instant. Believe it.

Danger recognition skills help to reduce vulnerability. You can expect to prevent some threats by listening closely to your gut instincts and increasing your awareness of danger. With practice, these instincts will get better and better, helping you perceive and define danger. We've all had a 'gut feeling' about a certain person or situation. The way to sharpen this into a tool of defense is to acknowledge it as a helpful message and to realize that whatever emotions you may be feeling could be there for a reason. Without always assumingrepparttar 130928 worst or jumping to conclusions, we need to take as much time asrepparttar 130929 situation will allow to "observe" and "clarify" what is really going on. This will offer you an opportunity to guide your next move.

There is an invisible line that separates your fight or flight response. When faced with a life threatening encounter, this will be activated naturally in order to insure your survival. Atrepparttar 130930 critical moment whenrepparttar 130931 assailant crosses that line, you will need to commit to making split decisions. The choice to fight back may be inevitable. At that point, you must fight with everything you have to break any controlrepparttar 130932 assailant has over you, then escape. The key to feeling better about your chances to pull this off is to prepare yourself physically and adopt simple yet powerful skills. Strikes such asrepparttar 130933 palm strike, elbow, and knee are common to martial arts and self-defense. However, in order to best perform these skills, you need to utilize what I call "hidden motion", that is, to hide behind every strike, block, and motion. This will help shield you from flailing strikes that can occur simultaneously when it's them against you.

Sex and the Single Mom

Written by Teri Worten

Sex and The Single Mom by Teri Worten

Single moms, more so than anyone, have to be exceedingly careful aboutrepparttar type of man they select as life-long partners. No sensible woman wants to be judged soley on her appearence or sex appeal, right? Moreoever, who would even want a man mostly interested in sex without a real commitment, right again? These questions create an age-old conundrum. Exactly, how does one find a guy who loves them and only wants what is best for them? Let's take it up a notch. How do you resist those natural impulses to throw caution torepparttar 130917 wind and break down and have sex?

For starters. . .

Read betweenrepparttar 130918 lines.

A wise person once said, Words carry a little weight, but actions truly revealrepparttar 130919 entireity of a matter. When you meet a new guy, be especially observant ofrepparttar 130920 kinds of things he talks about. Carefully listen to his conversation. Remember, you can usually learn plenty about a person simply by listening to them. Ifrepparttar 130921 conversation is laced with sexual innuendos, that is your "red flag".

Where’srepparttar 130922 fire...

Be leery of physical contact early inrepparttar 130923 relationship. Someone who is overly "touchy" after knowing you for a short amount of time might have less than honorable motives. Yes, some guys are “touchy feely” with women. But think for a moment, if you marry a man who can't keep his hands to himself, you are asking for trouble!

Let get real, here. As single moms, it's only natural to enjoyrepparttar 130924 attention of men, but don’t allow loneliness or insecurity to propel you into a relationship that may bring pain later. You are far too precious for that, single mom.

Take your time withrepparttar 130925 physical stuff. Approachrepparttar 130926 dating relationshiprepparttar 130927 same way you would with a platonic friend. Saverepparttar 130928 kissing or hugging until you really knowrepparttar 130929 guy.

We often give away far too much too soon in our interpersonal encounters. Don't berepparttar 130930 type woman that every guy inrepparttar 130931 neighborhood knows what it’s like to kiss and squeeze. Even if he says he loves you, remember that love waits. Love is patient, love is kind and real love will never disrespect you. Slow down, enjoyrepparttar 130932 progression ofrepparttar 130933 new relationship. There's no fire, so hold your horses!

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